A fashion website, Kias launched its wedding collection and wanted to promote it on Social Media. It posted the details of its advertising campaign on fromote.com and Womens Era, a leading magazine with around 1 million (10 lakh) fans on its verified facebook page, submitted a bid of $30 to post one status update. The magazine earned extra revenues and the brand got instant visibility as the post was liked by more than 500 people on the first day itself. Most of the likes were from women who shop online, a target segment difficult to reach otherwise. Kias made online sales of $1200 (Rs. 75,000) in a day and the traffic on its website also went up more than 10 times.
Fromote is a social advertising platform that helps people find someone else (with higher reach and authority) to promote their brand on social media. People are fed up of being marketed to, so they generally ignore paid ads therefore advertisers are now hiring social influencers to convey their message to the right target audience. It gives them higher RoI as compared to paid ads because recommendations from influencers appear as normal posts in the newsfeed of followers and have higher impact. It is an ideal platform for startups as a post from an Influencer gets them quick publicity and early adopters from social media at much lower cost as compared to paid ads.
Influencer marketing is already popular in the West. According to 2014 State of Sponsored Social Report by Halverson Group – 52% of marketers used paid online influencers within the past year, second only to display ads (58%). Many celebrities such as Kim Kardashain regularly post sponsored content on social media. It is also picking up in India as brands are now opening up to the idea of hiring social influencers.
How it works?
Anyone with good number of friends / followers can register as an influencer on Fromote.com to utilize this earning opportunity. Advertisers post their campaigns and influencers bid on them as per their niche area. Advertisers can also check influencers’ social media reach, target audience etc. They can also exchange messages with each other to fix the price and frequency of postings etc.
Many influencers have already registered on the website, taking its total reach to over 40 million! Advertisers have also created many creative projects to promote their brands, websites, movies, music concerts etc. We are also getting celebrities influencers on board as they have huge reach and are preferred by brands.
With increasing internet penetration and digital spending, influencer marketing is all set to grow in the near future. So next time you wish to engage influencers to promote your brand or to make money from your social media presence, try fromote.com!
$10 credit for Rodinhooders
I have learnt a lot from fellow entrepreneurs at Rodinhoods and when I joined fromote as part of the initial team, I proposed that we should give back to this awesome community, therefore we are pleased to offer $10 credit to Rodinhooders.
Simply sign up on fromote.com as an advertiser, create your first project (clearly mentioning what content you wish to promote and what kind of influencer you are looking for) and mail us your user name (along with text “RODINHOODER”) at info@fromote.com and we shall credit $10 to your a/c which can be used to pay for your first campaign!. Offer valid only for first 100 Rodinhooders.
PS: If you have good number of friends / fans for your page, then you can also start earning by bidding as an influencer on the advertising projects listed on our website!
Our Twitter Handle: https://twitter.com/fromote
How it works?
asha chaudhry
neat! you should write some articles on Influencer Marketing ishani… we don’t have any so far.
thanks for the $10 offer for rodinhooders, ishani. and am glad to know you’ve learnt a lot from other members considering you just joined trhs last month!
quick suggestion (since anyone can type RODINHOODER) – pls ask folks to share the url of their profile page on therodinhoods. that’s what everyone else does who runs a contest/special offer on trhs.
all the best! do let us know how many rodinhooder sign up for this! (yeah – you can then post a testimonial 🙂
Mansoor Shaikh
Hi Ishani,
This is kind of “Hutke” and nice concept I can say. But all I can see is lots of project is there.
I want to know if there is any on-going project where people actually earning money or completed projects with the same.
I would be more than interested to see how it works.
Thanks Asha, will definitely try to send more articles on Influencer Marketing.
I have been a silent reader of Rodinhoods for last 1 year but registered last month only as I couldn’t stop myself from replying on few discussions!
Will update about the response we get.
Vikrant Shanbhag
Hello Ishani,
A much needed service in India. We will definitely try this service and give you feedback on the same. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Hi Mansoor,
Glad that you liked the concept. We have already done few successful campaigns. You can refer to the Kias / Womans Era campaign mentioned in the above article. You can also find all advertising projects here. Completed projects have closed / expired written next to them and the others are live with time remaining mentioned next to them.
You may also refer to How it works
Let me know if you need any other info.
Thanks Vikrant.. look forward to your feedback!
Partha Chakraborty
Freelancer for influencers…..awesome. But I think you should turn it from a freelancer/99designs model to a fiverr model.
For example I might want to target instagram and pinterest influencers for my product and in case I shortlist more than 1 influencer, both I and the influencers will miss out on the opportunity.
Thanks Partha,
Yes it is like freelancer for influencers.didnt make it like fiverr because 1) each influencer will command different price 2) wanted advertisers to post their requirements, which may not be possible with fiverr
Didnt quite understand your example, can you please explain in detail. With our model, you can either search for influencers as per desired niche and communicate with them and then post a project and escrow etc OR you can first post project and let influencers bid on it and award it to the one you like.
Rohit Sardana
Nice concept! I have visited your website and think it should be a cheaper option as compared to other online ads. Will definitely give it a try.
Partha Chakraborty
What I means was a model which combines both freelancer and fiverr.
For example I post a requirement and influencers can bid on my project i.e the freelancer model.
I can choose more than one influencer to enhance my coverage. i.e fiverr model.
With more influencers for my project, I can minimize risk by spreading my investment accross various influencers and see who performs better. At the same time, it will motivate more influencers to bid on your site as the chances of getting the project are higher.
Anoop Nair
Very nice concept. Signing up and already shared about your company in some of the social media platforms like quora. Hope it brings you some traffic.
Anoop Nair (Co-Founder | The South Indian Store, Selling South Indian Snacks online )
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+
Hi Anoop,
We have credited $10 to your account and also made your project live.
Thanks for putting in a word for us on social media.. appreciate it
Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal
Something doesnt make sense.
I searched for ‘game’
Got this result – https://fromote.com/?p_action=user_profile&post_author=55
but the ‘person’ is actually a page that is open for everyone to post?!
Hi Alok,
Glad that you checked Fromote. We have allowed an individual or page admin to become an influencer.
On facebook, content posted by the page admin appears on page’s timeline and if anyone else posts then it appears under “Posts to Page” on left hand side after videos (and that too subject to admin’s approval). The former has more impact and visibility as compared to the latter.
For example on https://www.facebook.com/TheRodinhoods also anyone can post content but it appears on left side, after videos (which is not even noticed by people) whereas content posted by the page admin appears in the timeline (and is widely read).
Fromote helps you contact the individual / page admin who will post an update about your product / brand / website which will appear on page’s timeline. It is like putting in a word for you…. for example: womans era page (with 1 million fans) posted an update about our advertiser, Kias on its timeline, which got 500 likes within the first day (and increase in traffic / sales etc).
Hope it clarifies
PS: In the instance given by you, they have not approved even a single post made by someone else, and even if they do then also it will not have much impact
as it will appear on the sideline
Anoop Nair
Hi Ishani. Thanks for the credit and approving my project. But, I am not able to understand how it will work. I didn’t received any updates so far. No one applied on my project and I also tried to reach out to a guy who had a food blog and food related fb page. But nothing happened yet.
Hi Anoop,
Just noticed that 2 people have submitted their bids on your project: https://fromote.com/projects/advertising/image-post-facebook-link-website/ You can communicate with them directly or award project to them and they will promote your store by posting your content (provided by you) on their social network.
You can also refer to https://fromote.com/how-it-works/ to understand how it works. Please let me know if you still have any questions.
Hi Anoop,
Just noticed that 4 people have submitted their proposals on your project to promote http://www.southindianstore.com
Hope you like them… Do PM me your feedback
Hi Asha,
Just added another article about Influencer Marketing in India at https://www.therodinhoods.com/forum/topics/how-to-use-influencer-marketing-in-india