
How to get new ideas in science and tech in mumbai ?

Hi guys

Let us discuss how we can get  good ideas in science and tech space .

some ways that have helped me in past :

1) Live in the future

2) Help where you want to change things

3) Attend events like barcamp etc .

4) news sites .

so in this post i shall keep updated which new tech to try out , opportunities for volunteering , events to attend .
please do help out by telling me more ways to get ideas or to list an item below sections :

New tech to try out now :

a) Google glass

b) oculus rift

c) welo

d) fitbit / goquii

opportunities to volunteer with ngo’s :

Dharavi can initiative :

Events to attend :

news sites to subscribe to



please do post comments if you want me to update the post with a listing .
i shall add it if i find your suggestion to be useful 🙂

tc cheers
