
How to Shorten Your Sales Cycle


To be voted ‘Hot on LinkedIn’ globally (as of 1048 a.m. on Jan 31, with 2450+ hits & 135 ‘shares’ in under 30 hours) & be featured on’s homepage was not the reason that I created this presentation… (I know, I know this is shameful self-promotion, but please be nice and allow me to…)

This presentation was a response to a common malaise that I observed in most of my consulting/ training assignments. It’s called ‘following up’; as in, post the presentation of the value proposal, salespeople resort to endlessly (though diligently) calling up the customer to check if they liked the proposal and when they would be ready to buy… like their proposal was enough to induce the customer to buy!

It leaves salespeople and businesses stuck in what I call ‘follow-up hell’. It leads to stretched sales cycles and missed sales targets. Not good for any business (and especially for start-ups)