
I am interested in doing an MBA in India – any information would be more than welcome

My name is Jaive. I am from Papua New Guinea. You wont find it in India or anywhere in the neighbourhood. My country is in the Pacific. I own a small company called Squad Ltd.

You can see our website here

I am interested in India, in doing an MBA in India, in the entrepreneurial spirit of your country.

I want to do an MBA in India,one where I can immerse myself with your entreprunerial citizens and become better and have more ”endurance’. Our culture shuns individual enterprise and prosperity, which is counter-intuitive for a small business owner like myself.

I want to study for a short term in India. I would like to make freinds and contacts with other entreprueners and come back to my homeland hungrier to make a difference and determined to take the opportunities and grow.

I hope you can give me some suggestions for an MBA in India, including any information such as scholarships, cultural issues, good MBA programs, any information is appreciated.

Our culture is very different from yours. Our race is Melanesia.

I do believe in entrepreneurship, in the spirit of  turning an idea in the still of your mind into something more than you.

I have grown my small business in around three years from a one person in a bedroom op with one computer and a second hand video camera to a full studio with ten co-workers employed.

I started with a website and grown since to magazine publications, TVC’s, Communication Services and other related work. I wrote an article here on how I started the car site which will give you an insight into the state of the internet and ecommerce in my country. Read it Here.

These days I am always looking to do more businesses as an entrepreneur to improve my society, especially in the use of media.

I would like to study for an MBA in India. Thankyou for your advise.