This article was first posted on DiscountPandit Blog
Breaking News: Salman Khan picks up a stake in Yatra !
The twitterati was trending with this news in the morning and almost all major tech/ startup blog would have covered this news by now.
So has e-commerce in India finally found its holy grail?
While browsing through today I came upon some more related stories:
Have our celebs found a viable platform to invest or have these sites discovered a way to break through the clutter and get noticed?
Though names like Salman Khan and Karishma Kapoor do help in grabbing eyeballs (and traffic) but conversions and revenue are a different ball game altogether. Till our industry learns to crack this code, we are far away from calling ourselves ‘Dabangg’.
P.S: For those of us who cannot have a Mr. X or Ms. Y on board as of now, it is probably a “grapes are sour” kind of a moment. Till that time, it might help if we fine tune our products for a better customer experience and a sound technology support. You never know, may be there lies our holy grail !
Author Bio : I am a business and startup blogger and I work for DiscountPandit.We are India’s most comprehensive deal search engine, helping users find the best deals in their neighborhood.
Prateek Mishra
interesting point brought up Shilpi !
Concentrating on quality of our offering is the key to success … it is all about UI, Navigation, product quality and quality of service … that gets you returning cutomers
Manoj Awasthi