Mathematics Beyond Textbooks
Hi everyone, this is my first post on this platform. Glad to connect and see so much Energy here.
Edtech is considered a hot topic of discussion in the start up eco system. I am looking for suggestions and feedback as to how to integrate technology with my existing start up which has been an offline model till date.
Details of my start up-
Name : Dinasim Learning
Founded : 2012
Introduction :
It has been a challenge to innovate Mathematics in the classroom for every school and a recent study has shown that on approximately 75-80% students either fear mathematics or dislike the subject. In either case the reason remains same – lack of innovation in Mathematics, which smart classes and animated videos fail to create an interest level for the subject.
Hence I started using unconventional games such as Soccer/ Cricket/ Table Tennis/ Darts/ Ice Hockey etc. to map all concepts of Mathematics across all boards in India and Nepal.
These workshops are designed for students And teachers such that it can be customised and tailormde for every school we associate with.
This has helped more than 25,000 students till date.
After spending more than 4 years at the grassroots levels and understanding the core problems in the education system, we intend to integrate some form of technology which will allow us to rope in Parents, Schools, Teachers and Students who comprise of the major stake holders in the education domain.
Looking forward to solutions, feedback, ideas and a lot of brainstorming. Considering this I shall my first post, I would like to also mention that I am keen to network with fellow members and I can be reached on
A few programmes which have been developed till date:
- Faculty Clinic (For Teachers)
We have a proficient team at our “Faculty Clinic” who will train your faculty at the premier institute.
- Math Week (Students)
We have our training wizards “Number Ninjas” who are pioneers at conducting the state-of-the-art training sessions that will captivate students and scrutinize mathematics from different dimension.
- Math Talk (Parents)
This is an Interesting series of Interaction with Parents of your school, which will enable them to develop strategies for their children to visualize math while they do their favourite pastimes at home without math textbooks.
For Eg: Learning Math through Television, Playing games which children love, Using popular games on mobiles/ tablets etc.
- Math Clinic:
Helping children on an individual basis in schools as per their help and requirement, Imagine a Math Doctor Visiting your school once a month and treating students who have their own individual issues with the subject.
- Math Consulting :
Work with school managements to develop overall strategies of improving the math skill set of students and developing appropriate strategies for the same.
We are launching these programmes for schools across the globe, and we are willing join hands to create a new eco-system for students from grade 1st to grade 8th.
Thanks in advance !!!
Divesh Bathija
Founder -Dinasim Learning
Head Office – Mumbai
Alumni of University Of Westminster, London.
Alumini of H R College of Commerce nd Economics, Mumbai.