
Invezta, UX Assist, Transfarming, Patanjalizing and to App Only or not to App Only? [Feb 13-19, 2016]

My dear Rodinhooder,


This week I’ve been grumpy and under the weather owing to a viral. While I was groaning and moaning between coughing fits, I read this post which made me stop. So before you go on to read the rest of the newsletter, I want you to go through this post first and watch the video. Then salute Kshitiz. After that I urge you to share the link and ask people to do the same!



Read ‘Writing without arms, yes it’s possible!’ and be inspired. Let’s get Kshitiz crowdfunded so he can make a documentary about his incredible journey!




Look who’s got acquired!




Shoutouts to Snehil & Rachit – FindYahan just got acquired by Zimmber; and Subrat Kar of Vidooly for acquiring iCouchApp! Woohoo!!!





image source






The Showstoppers of the Week:


Invezta – India’s first low-cost, zero commissions, robo-advisor (it’s that time of the year so do give it a try!)


UX Assist – an app that provides workflows for designers driven by UX activities. Check out what happened when Alok showed some love to this showcase post!. [If you still haven’t featured your startup/app in Showcase! what are you waiting for??!!]




Can a startup “Patanjalize” their brand? Check out Paritosh’s new book and download it!



Content Couture!


Aspiring entrepreneurs frequently ask Rodinhooder Satish about starting up. He’s shared an interesting set of points/questions raised during such discussions!!


Creating & Amplifying 10x Content – watch this webinar on Content Marketing


Newbie Rodinhooder Binal is starting an interesting farming venture Transfarm India. She needs to find a mentor. And has q’s on funding. Do take a few mins out to guide her.


Entrepreneur’s lesssons from the Animal Kingdom! #Comic


This video shared by team InShorts was really well received. I’m re-sharing it in case you missed it!


And Alok’s “App Only” charcha re-surfaced once again! Read till the end to find out WHY!



We have nearly 100 AWESOME INTERVIEWS that have been loved & shared by folks over social media. Do check them out and should you want to interview a Rodinhooder/entrepreneur – just go for it!


A lot of Rodinhooders ping me to ask how they can be more active on TRH or contribute (if they are non-writers). The best value each one of you can add is by sharing your feedback with a fellow Rodinhooder. Start by going through posts in SHOWCASE! or ASK. Like, Share, Comment with your feedback. It really helps. Here are the hottest 101 ventures/products showcased in 2015 – so dig in!





Emerging India Awards (presented by ICICI & CNBCTV18) – Rodinhooders… don’t forget to nominate your startup!! Awesome opportunity to get lots of ATTENTION and to be on TV! Yeah!! (and we’re partners too!!). Deadline to apply: 29th February 2016


SheCEO (2nd edition) – an initiative for women entrepreneurs + platform to grow your biz and get mentored by experts! APPLY NOW!! Deadline to apply: 7th March 2016


Hey have you sent your names to the moon yet?! What are you waiting for?? #Million2Moon




We did a Valentine’s special last week – if you were busy trying to get hooked, catch all the STARTUP LOVE we shared!


And if you’re catching up on your startup reading, you can find ALL OF OUR NEWSLETTERS HERE!


look haute.


but stay cool.


‘coz anything else is just uncool 🙂


(haiku flop!)


till next week!








asha chaudhry


co-founder & editor 



