why are we always running after money…is there any life beyond this run for it or is life nothing but money ????
is money all that important in life ????
why are we always running after money…is there any life beyond this run for it or is life nothing but money ????
Himanshu Mody
Money is important , however what is even more important is how we handle it. It is important to live with a sense of abundance and not with a sense of scarcity. Coz even all the money in this world will not give you happiness if you think what you have is not enough. There is nothing wrong in aspiring for more money as long as you use it in a good way.
Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal
Pankaj Sir,
For some reason, I am obsessed with money.
And honestly, for no other reason than pure wants:
– For instance, I live in South Mumbai and with my family growing up, I need another flat. That itself is a cost of 5-6 crores + interiors
– All my relatives and friends drive 5 series BMW’s. I need one also – thats 60 lacs
– I got so used to holidaying abroad etc each year – thats 15 lacs per year for holidays
etc etc etc
I cant live in another city, I cant downgrade my life from where it is today…
So…. what do i do, other than perpetually chase money??
Himanshu Mody
Well said Jyoti 🙂
Jyoti Shukla said:
pankaj khandelwal
hi Himanshu….,yes I certainly agree with you …contentment is necessary…..but it is so difficult to define how much is enough….!
Himanshu Mody said:
pankaj khandelwal
Lol Jyoti…..you just put it the right way….importance of money is definitely defined onceyou are aware without it youre just not you …..very well put….
Jyoti Shukla said:
pankaj khandelwal
Hi Alok….I agree to what you say ….but by what you put,is there a limit to what one might aspire to have or is the obsession endless.We have plenty examples of plenty billionaires who are unhappy ….so ,do we really say that money gives you your lifestyle,your power and your happiness too….
Alok ‘Rodinhood’ Kejriwal said:
pankaj khandelwal
hi Neil,great to note we still remember each other….yeah,even I think the way you do …but yes,money does appear to play a great role in getting life a lot easier ….whether it does get one happier is another question ….p.s.I’d prefer you give me yr phone number and I will call ….if I happen to be in surgery your call might not reach me….
Neil Bahal said:
Sameer Malkani
It is…no doubt about that.
Not that ‘other’ (read…health, relationships, happiness etc..) things aren’t important …sure they are..but money I believe buys a lot of ‘other’ benefits which one would be devoid of …if he/she didn’t have money.
Aditya Singh
Money can buy you health, happiness and respect if you know where to shop and how to manage !!
Couldn’t agree more with Alok !!!
Nayana Somaratna
Amen to that ! While people say that money cannot buy happiness, the fact is that you can’t be happy without money either 🙂
Abey John
actually when u strip away all meanings and assignations this chasing after money is at its deepest core a chase after value…and in our culture (across the planet) this value is represented by money and the things it buys…when everyone can afford buying BMW equivalent quality then the value assignations will shift….in the meanwhile we all chase the most common representation of value: money…
Aditya Singh
Aditya consulting company private limited
For all billionaires who are unhappy. Selling report on how to buy love and happiness with money !!!!
Price : 8 Lakhs
2hours consulting with aditya himself included with the research report.
Nayana Somaratna
Love and happiness for two, I guess ! What a bargain 🙂
>Aditya consulting company private limited
> For all billionaires who are unhappy. Selling report on how to buy love and happiness with money !!!!
> Price : 8 Lakhs
> 2hours consulting with aditya himself included with the research report.
Abey John
Oh yeah. Sound marketing strategy Aditya. You can never sell prevention. At least not like gang busters. Selling cures is the way to go! 😉
Aditya Singh said:
Anushka Shroff
HI Pankaj
A Million $ question…:)
If you go to see money is nothing…a green or orange coloured paper…but to live a royal life..money is everything…and no harm running after money so far as you are earning it the sincere and hard way to suffice your needs…..and help the needy……….
but then to run after money entire life…is …hmmmmmmmm………..sometimes just for the kick of earning, Like ” IT’s not about the money, it’s the Game……” 🙂
“Money is not the prime asset in life, Time is …”
…and money can be a ROYAL ditcher…”Money is a ‘something’ that never sleeps”
MONEY is Important for the real good reasons…..!!!
Pankaj Kayathwal
Not a single activity in this world can be culminated without the involvement of money. This intrinsic force is much more powerful than the natural wealths many may attempt to compare with.
Money is an important ingredient to stay afloat ….. the quantum decides the extent of comfort or luxuries you can get into ! But without money …. you will not even get a cremation for yourself !
Pankaj Kayathwal
Not a single activity in this world can be culminated without the involvement of money.
This intrinsic force is much more powerful than the natural wealths many of us may attempt to compare with.
Money is an important ingredient to stay afloat in this universe ….. the quantum of money decides the extent of comfort or luxuries you can get into ! But without money …. you will not even get a cremation for yourself !
Abey John
I defer on that Pankaj. Just because the current simulacrum of society pegs our existential essentials to a bank balance it does not mean that this will remain true for ever or that it was true in the past. The transactional model of merit based rewards is at best a fractured tin soldier with a crutch (it is of course better than the charity handouts).
However one thing which has not changed and which I doubt will change is value. So if we rephrase what you said as:
If you say that, I will whole heartedly agree. Today’s representation of value has been hardened to a singular representative coin…aka…money. While “real value” floats distinct and separate. A market economy driven society centers “value” in a “paisa phek tamasha dhek” culture. However therein lies its weakness. It periodically implodes and after each implosion, notional wealth is borrowed from the future to shore up the present. Thats what happened with sub prime and every other financial meltdown before. However this borrowing cannot go on infinitely so eventually it will implode. A pundit said financial meltdowns are cyclical and has a 40 year lifespan…with the internet I think it will take half that and have bigger impact… I estimate we’ll see the next cave in around 2030ish….it will rain wall street and dalal brokers again (as in them jumping from their high rise windows) 😉 …..
Sorry went a bit off topic with that but my point is this. Money is a representation of value. As long as we are able to nail the value, we can show the finger to money anytime – use it for our purposes without concern….short circuit the rich man’s burden before it leaves the gate….
All this I know sounds like a vague arm chair philosopher’s abstraction that won’t hold up in the heat and dust of the marketplace. In the coming years I hope to demonstrate it in action….
This is an interesting read on Quora, on a similar topic if not the same.
Society drives the value of money in a person’s life. When you no longer care to be connected to the society, the quantity of money no longer matters.
Abey John
Interesting food for thought…. probably my anti-social streak shining through 😀
Bharat said:
Pankaj Kayathwal
whew ….. but your last two lines summed you up. Well said.
But then … without money .. you have no Value !!
No philosophy or Dr.Johnson like explanation here … just simple … reality is also bought by money nowadays !!
Pankaj Kayathwal
Why is everyone relating the importance of money to being rich?
Abey John
“without money .. you have no Value !!”
not really, the most important contributions to mankind have been made by paupers – the Buddha, Jesus Christ, Socrates, Plato etc etc.
A direct test is to see if you remember any rich man just because he is rich. Once the rich man is dead he is just like the poor man: dead, forgotten, and ignored. Value doesn’t reside in having or not having money.
Pankaj Kayathwal said:
Not to divert away from the topic of having money against being rich, but how many poor people do we know that has brought in a change or made a mark in the past few years. Achievers no longer get their due respect in today’s world, unless the achievement resulted in a lot of money.
If someone is asked to name the top 10 famous persons of the world or the country of today, I bet all of them are rich irrespective of which field they belong to. And being famous tend to bring in the delusion of being good or being idealistic for the rest of us. (Not talking abt Osama here)
Abey John
Interesting poser Bharat…the greatest change in the 21st century is undoubtedly the web and that was brought by a relatively – with a stress on the word relatively – poor man: tim berners lee. Of course then there is edison whose contributions have changed the way we think and interact with the world and he was definitely a rich man by most standards… though depending on who you talk to the real contribution to electricity and the triumph of AC over DC was a contribution by Tesla who died a poor man….
The data doesn’t support the the conclusion that rich men changed the world….but it does support the conclusion that those who do change the world have a propensity for becoming rich in the 20th and 21st century…..
One thing though is very clear: to change the world being rich or poor has nothing to do with it.
Abey John
🙂 We do not remember Prince Siddarth or Lord Krishna because they were born in royal families or they had money. The contributions they made to the world remain intact without the trappings of wealth or a palace. That they had wealth sloughs off completely from what they taught. Did any of the old masters advocate wealth making as in buy n sell and rake in the rokda?
Money is a notional construct built our of our imagination. Likewise so is the BMW and the bullock cart. Both from our imagination and in our imagination. The comfort, the power, the luxury, and the thrill of speed we experience in the BMW is only relative to the what we haven’t experienced in a inter-planetary craft which is relative to a inter-stellar star hopper which is relative to…. etc. All in our imagination. The reality we ascribe to it is real because thats what we want to to be real.
The world has been spinning very well without money for a gazillion years and it will continue to do with or without money. Humans will continue to thrive and spread through the galaxy long after trade and transactional value exchange have been relegated to the museum…..
As with pankaj – if you say Value makes the world around I’ll nod along vigorously. 🙂 In fact I’ll up it one step further – Quality makes the world go round, in fact quality is what makes the universe…..
Okay that going off into the deep end. 🙂
Jyoti Shukla said:
Anushka Shroff
True……..It definitely cannot buy True love, Power, Happiness & Health…!
Neil Bahal said:
pankaj khandelwal
hi Aditya…..i don’t agree that money can BUY you health ,happiness and respect…..So many millionaires suffer disesases ,are unhappy …and are disrespected for various reasons.Its not right to say all those who have money are healthy,respected and are happy
Aditya Singh said:
pankaj khandelwal
without money one can’t be happy…i dont think that true…..so many poor people who are hand to mouth ….would you ay that theyre all a unhappy lot ?They could be a bit disgruntled with life..but unhappy ??
Nayana Somaratna said:
pankaj khandelwal
can’t disagree
Abey John said:
pankaj khandelwal
Nayana Somaratna said:
pankaj khandelwal
hi Anushka…thanx…i wouldnt anything but agree to what you say….thanx….it makes good sense
Anushka Shroff said:
pankaj khandelwal
Ah…well said …so should one think that between the journey from the crib to the cremation ground,life is just a run for money???
Pankaj Kayathwal said:
Nayana Somaratna
Admittedly true, now that I come to think of it – I’ve seen enough and more poor people who are (fairly) happy.
Of course, I think that it depends a lot on the type of person you are – I myself would not be happy if I was poor.
And money does bring security – which helps you keep on being happy.
pankaj khandelwal said:
Aditya Singh
Hey Pankaj,
I am talking about normal circumstances. Offcourse if a billionaire rapes a girl, he will be disrespected and money cant buy him back. If he drinks two bottles of rum daily, his liver will be gone and money wont save him even if he has many billions.
BUT, in normal circumstances,
If X is rich, he can do whatever he wants in life. He doesnt have to worry about buying a house or future education of his child. He can get the girl he wants. Hence he is happy !!! Unless he is very careless (which cant be helped), he will be healthy as well. He can build a gym in his house and hire a doctor.
pankaj khandelwal said:
Nayana Somaratna
The Buddha said that health is the greatest wealth 🙂
But seriously – money does help with health – i.e. access to better healthcare facilities. Having worked in both public and private sector hospitals, I’ve seen the vast difference.
Also, if you’re rich, don’t other people tend to look up to you ? Especially in today’s money charged society.
As for happiness – well, I guess that what makes you happy depends a lot on what type of person you are.
But money definitely does buy a much better quality of life.
Have you read this very interesting article BTW ?
Why rich people really aren’t happier (but aren’t miserable either)
pankaj khandelwal said:
Nayana Somaratna
I wish that Ning had a ‘like’ button for comments, similar to facebook 🙂
Alok ‘Rodinhood’ Kejriwal said:
Pankaj Kayathwal
Dear Neil,
Money is a material meant to buy only material objects and things, the act of which may provide the desired satisfaction or happiness or sorrow ( when you loose money ) whereas love, happiness, sorrow, health are all abstract and unmeasureable. Money is measureable.
Let us be practical …. and not merely ideological … …Happiness, Love, Sorrow, Health are all short-lived and cannot be sustained without money. Be practical boss …. or else, I will give you my Bank Account No… put in all your money.. make me happy and you can see TRUE happiness then ! 🙂 🙂 ….. LOL
Pankaj Kayathwal
If only each man or woman on earth was a pauper like HH JesusChrist, Buddha, Socrates, Plato, Pankaj Kayathwal.. then only would MONEY NOT be all that important in life, my dear !
Pankaj Kayathwal
Yep .. it may sound quite un-ideological.. but that is the fact .. having spent half a century travelling, observing, meeting, interacting with all types of mortal souls on earth, no matter who the person is and at what age he is.. money becomes an important ingredient for the livelihood and pursuit of unattained wishes / hopes. It brings about despair and sorrow to anyone deprived of this .
Why is it that millions of people throng to the Tirupati Temple and offer “MONEY” to God in the form of what ever intrinsic value, including your hair (if you have any left at my age) ?? See so many of our so called “Gurus” appearing on TVs and some preferring to remain incognito, but yet seeking “money” in some form or the other or pretext ??
And most important .. why is that even when I have also put up a question on the discussion board, none of you are even staring at it, but have been drawn towards this board because of the “all so important money” ???
pankaj khandelwal
no…the fixed amount keeps changing..in fact keeps increasing each day…..there is no end to this increase….
pankaj khandelwal
then what is money if not being rich…..
Pankaj Kayathwal said:
Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal
i agree…..when i was sixteen my father gifted me a car (without me asking!!) – my mom was very angry at my dad for giving me a car under age. It was a nice second model of Maruti 800 with an AC etc. I drove it all thru my college and was a hot dude in demand. Post that, i always wanted to upgrade my car from one version to another… last car i bought i said ‘WOW’….now that car looks like a dabba to me… there is NO limit nor number that can satiate human greed….
Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal
i have that number.
pankaj khandelwal said:
Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal
How else do u become RICH?
pankaj khandelwal said:
Pankaj Kayathwal
Money is definitely not the yard-stick of being rich …… but money is certainly required by one and all, irrespective of the fact whether one is an ordinary poor man or is rich. I am being subjective.
imagine if there was no money, do yo think the world was happy as today; poverty, wars, child slavery, hunger, dissasters, Windows, Imacs bla bla ba. Do please not focus on what those whom are billionairs can do for you, ask what you can do for the world; the neighbourhood dying by hunger, child slavery in India and other countries bla bla bla. So if you have the guts to earn lots of money do it and us it befor you end your happy end. It’s all about money dum dum dum. Money is like music. You like it or you don’t. – Money cann’t buy love or healt-, please go to school to understand that.
Hello Jyoti,
you can see what a sign missmatch in a sentence can make other understand each toughts. I just missmatched the question mark in “Money cann’t buy love or healt ?”. But it fills the discussion. It’s parliament
Jyoti Shukla said:
Talk about money and I cant get off my eyes off the IPL auction going on TV. What interests me more than cricket and the players getting auctioned, is seeing the kind of money spent and the people involved.
pankaj khandelwal
well Jyoti ,very often as a doctor one gets to see people carrying their cheque books along with them ,or very simply put…bagful of notes ,pleading to get there kin back to normal,whatever the expenses.But…if only money could cure all ailments,,,,!! you just cannot buy health if you are unfortunate enough to suffer from a malady nothing can cure….
Jyoti Shukla said:
pankaj khandelwal
i do not agree…money and money only is the yardstick of being rich.One cant be poor with money and yet be termed rich….
Pankaj Kayathwal said:
Nayana Somaratna
@Dr Pankaj
But isn’t it that people with cheque books end up obtaining better treatment, even if they suffer from an incurable malady ?
i.e. If you have chronic renal failure and no money – you’re dead. If you have chronic renal failure and $$$ – you have the options of transplantation or continuous dialysis.
Not as good as being healthy, I won’t deny that – but still you’ll be alive at least 🙂
pankaj khandelwal said:
pankaj khandelwal
See Alok….when you wanted to upgrade your car you were simply using the basic rule any living being follows….to get better n better…So ,there can be no fixed amount that can get anyone to say..ok now thats enuf
Alok ‘Rodinhood’ Kejriwal said:
pankaj khandelwal
yeah Nayana…can’t refute your point…well said ,but you still did suffer from chronic renal failure in the first place…So money couldnt get you healthy,,,,thats exactly my point.One cant buy health…one must suffer like the poor
Nayana Somaratna said:
Nayana Somaratna
@Dr Pankaj, What you say is very true – there are definitely limits to what money can do for you.
But, what if I ask this question : all other things made equal, wouldn’t you rather be rich than not ?
pankaj khandelwal said:
An important thing to note is that, we for Indians as residents of a developing nation, money is an important factor. Being rich is something thats new to the nation and maybe I or anyone else would have cared less if we were born in the west and mainly in the European continent.
Money is clearly a measure of gaining more respect and pride in our country and this cannot change for a long time.
Nayana Somaratna
Just a small comment (I just couldn’t help myself !) : It is unethical for a Doctor to refuse emergency treatment, even if the patient cannot afford it – for example, emergency surgery after a car accident.
Of course, the patient and his family are pretty much finished if they can’t afford the resulting bill (once I had to plead with the director of my hospital to waive the bill of a patient who had been dumped there by a hit and run motorist, who promptly vanished !).
Note that there is a category of treatments which you might need (for example, coronary artery bypass grafting for patients with heart disease), but which are not emergencies per se – these are the treatments which the patients end up missing.
I’ve been put into the unpleasant position of explaining this to certain patients – but I’ve never discriminated in how I speak to them / treat them based on their wealth !
In fact, come to think of it, I prefer poor patients – they tend to appreciate my services a lot more than the rich ones (who just think of it as their justful right).
Jyoti Shukla said:
Abey John
Woooh love the way this discussion is going. Even better than that skirt chasing CFO 😉
Jyothi, money can buy you cures but it cant buy you prevention. There also this aspect that the increasing shift to profit driven treatment is decreasing the quality of actual care doctors take with their patients. Irrespective of whether you are rich or poor. Am sure we all know at least one doctor saheb who is competent and caring and refuses to take more money (closest example I can recall is our vet – he was practically offended when I gave him more after his brilliant treatment of our dog). This shift to profit driven treatment kills a tiny but important organ in our soul. The mind and our greed may respond to all the money that gets poured into our coffers but that organ refuses to rise up and perform. Thats the deadening you see in hospitals. You can see that more clearly when you dial your telco help line. Care for our fellow beings has been sacrificed in the name of efficiency and profits. Twenty years ago a doctor would have diagnosed you as soon as you walked in and before you opened your mouth. Today they’ll send in an army of technicians and equipment and still scratch their asses after the results come in. The doctor 20 years ago (maybe even 20 yrs is too recent most likely 50 years is probably more accurate) knew something in his DNA – how to be a healer. Doctors of the present day are more often than not empirical technicians (Pankaj looks like he is old school so he is excluded ;)). A friend of ours with renal failure ended up with a bill of 10 lakhs which in our layman’s opinion could have been at least avoided by up to 30% but for some more care from the doctors. The money spigot did not turn on the care, just high tech equipment, and a luxurious room. Even if you tell them I’ll give you a crore to just care for me and make sure you treat me well, and even if they sincerely nod along and stay on their toes 24×7 they’ll still fall short of the mark.
In the larger perspective this is one of the weaknesses in a market driven economy. At the individual level there is a tiny loss of caring that gets amplified through the system. It will take some more time before we awaken to that realization and start looking for alternatives: like say a need driven economy or a system of social credit….or both.
Jyoti Shukla said:
Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal
Money can buy the CFO lots of skirts….
Abey John said:
Nayana Somaratna
@Abhishek – Don’t you think that it is not the discussion itself, but the thought patterns of the various commenters which is the most interesting thing here ? Fascinating.
A discussion on business would not bring to light so much of our personalities !
Abhishek Rai said:
Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal
abhi – you are free to leave a discussion but definitely not make fun of anyone’s topic….!
Why should you judge if this is useless or not?
It makes lots of people including me really deep dive and realize how shallow a life we are living….
simple sparks like these are what Zen masters called ‘Satori’….
Abhishek Rai said:
pankaj khandelwal
lol Abhishek
Abhishek Rai said:
Abey John
Abhishek, this discussion is very useful. We are trying to discover the true importance of money and its actual role. To create a Facebook killer we need to understand the ground on which the foundations of Facebook are built. This discussion aids us in that….in my personal scheme of things I always like to show the middle finger to money, it has kind of distorted the true meaning of value….but I am learning other things in this thread…don’t dismiss it out of hand…our attitude to money will help us discover the facebook killer…mark zuckerberg is famously not interested in money…there are more important things in life…
Abhishek Rai said:
Abey John
LOL :))
Alok ‘Rodinhood’ Kejriwal said:
pankaj khandelwal
i too agree wit Nayana…its a wrong notion ,and you tend to categorize the doc round the corner or of bigger hospitals that they treat only the rich….Jyoti ,come visit our hospital at Agra and you will see for yourself the poor being treated with equal ,if not more,respect and care.
i did not start the incurable diseases discussion ,i said and i say again ,,,you cannot buy health ,Just because you have money in no way means you do not suffer from viral fevers ,malaria etc …In fact the more rich you are ,the more airconditioned your life becomes ,the more you are prone to diseases like Tuberculosis….
Nayana Somaratna said:
pankaj khandelwal
Jyoti …i beg to differ here as well…come visit our hospital at Agra and you will see the poor being treated with equal love and care….these notions about the poor not being properly treated develops from the fact that some poor tend to reach the 5 star hospitals….well….the doctors will have no option …but we do have non star great hospitals tooo
Jyoti Shukla said:
Nayana Somaratna
I doubt that Mikhail Khodorkovsky would agree ….
Abhishek Rai said:
pankaj khandelwal
this discussion is not the least useless….money is the most important part of life.but not life itself….but still if you suggest one should work in Mothers of Charity….isnt charity inclusive of money.So running away from the discussion is not going to help anyone,we should and must decipher if money is really so much of importance in our lives.
Abhishek Rai said:
pankaj khandelwal
its strange that a discussion being given so much importance by so many people is found to be a useless piece of discussion….
Nayana Somaratna said:
arpit shekhar
Paisa hi sab kuch nahi hota…par paisa bohot kuch hota hai…but if some money can give us happiness..I think its worth it…
Anushka Shroff
Any discussion can never be useless…it’s always an exchange of information inputs insights learnings..etc etc…it’s equally important to what you do with it..
pankaj khandelwal
but thats your view Abhishek,if it was the view of everyone ,then this topic would not have recieved so many responses….it is unjustified to force one’s opinion on others…..debating is always healthy
Abhishek Rai said:
Abey John
When you make a statement like that you are missing something really huge. HUGE. This is like saying the Sun is shining, so what, get on with it. However unlike the Sun, this whole thing about money and our attitude to it is entirely man made, so we can always change how we view it.
Abhishek Rai said:
There is always enough for one’s need, not enough for one’s greed/want.
Need is static.. House, car, bank balance et al. Wants are dynamic.. bigger house, longer car, etc.. Like Abey John mentioned the core of everything gets denoted by money and hence we seem to be chasing a lot of things which eventually is best represented in money terms. So what was aspirational yesterday becomes boring today and we start pining for the next best thing.. Haven’t we seen it.. B/W television to colour to flat screen tvs, to plasma to LCD to LED to 3D (let me know if i have missed a few types in between)!!!
I think it all has to do with our life stage and Maslow quite succinctly put it in his hierarchy of needs theory. For the benefit of everyone have given the link on Maslow’s theory..
So when we were wondering a decade back what Bill Gates, Azim Premji or Warren Buffet will do with the wealth they amassed little did we realise that they were at the “esteem needs” stage in the pyramid. Today they have reached the self actualisation stage and which is when they have got into philanthrophy and continue to amaze us by the value of cheques they write for charity purposes..
Guess we will get to that level one day.. But before that we need to complete the other 4 stages..
Alok ‘Rodinhood’ Kejriwal said:
pankaj khandelwal
you misunderstand what i wrote…please re read sir….i said this in context to your statement that the discussion is useless.I have initiated a debate Abhishek …that in no way means I am one sided on it.That there have been so many responses in itself means that the topic has some sense….and that it is at least discussable.
Abhishek Rai said:
pankaj khandelwal
Abhishek…what makes you so sure that money is the most absolute things in the world…..when the Titanic was about to go down under,no amount of money could get several people on the life boats…..So ,is money absolute ?When you get stuck in a road jam….can any amount of money get you out of it to reach the airport in time.If you are stuck up in the Alps with your mobile not functioning…no amount of money can get the message that rescue team should initiate a rescue….so on and so forth.So ,howsoever much we feel that money is a security to plenty ills ,it is not absolute…there’s something called luck as well
Abhishek Rai said:
pankaj khandelwal
I think money doesnt save the rich from getting diseased….its another point that malnutrition occurs in those who do not get adequate to eat.
Abey John said:
Nayana Somaratna
@Dr Pankaj
I totally agree that luck is very important – but it is such a random factor that very few of us are willing to openly admit just how important a role it may have played in our success.
Of course, I’ve always thought that good luck has a higher chance of occurring when you minimize the chances for bad luck by proper preparation.
Incidentally, I have an interesting question – if you were the prince ‘Paris’ in the Iliad and 3 goddesses appeared before you offering either Wealth, Wisdom or Beauty – which would you choose ?
pankaj khandelwal said:
Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal
hahahahahaha….. this is the FUNNIEST statement and rebuke I ever read….
If only everyone was so influenced by me!!!
(starting with my wife)!!!!
Jyoti Shukla said:
Nayana Somaratna
@Jyoti – I totally agree with you.
@Neil – Honestly, acting like a Troll is immature and childish. I won’t bother saying anymore.
Jyoti Shukla said:
Abey John
Alok, we need an in-comment like button.
Alok ‘Rodinhood’ Kejriwal said:
Nayana Somaratna
Hmm…. I can remember reading that it is possible to add a Facebook ‘Like’ button using Javascript embedded in the theme. Might be interesting to try ….
Abey John said:
Nayana Somaratna
Nothing personal, man 😉
Neil Bahal said:
Abey John
Awww, I was just parking my butt into the seat with popcorn and coke to watch the fight. 😉
Neil Bahal said:
Nayana Somaratna
Gotcha ! 😀
Abey John said:
Anushka Shroff
Hi Neil
..We certainly hold high respect for Alok Kejriwal & he’s a great inspiration for all…..but will certainly not agree and accept all of his thought processes…..:)..Alok has not created ro(bots)dinhoods.com …:it’s rodinhoods.com
Neil Bahal said:
pankaj khandelwal
yeah….i dont think people follow Alok as robots…I agree with Anushka on that…I am sure and hopeful there are many like me who will say what is in their minds….Alok is a much respected and adored personality ,but i’;m sure he too wouldnt like people following him with eyes brains closed…
Anushka Shroff said:
pankaj khandelwal
i’ll chose ‘wisdom ‘,,,and with wisdom i will live my life a lot more happily…
Nayana Somaratna said:
Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal
aieyoo….sounds like you and anushka are writing my obituary :-))))
I love it when people say ‘got lost’…. thats the whole point of having a discussion!!
pankaj khandelwal said:
Nayana Somaratna
That would be my choice too – with wisdom, you can always overcome your obstacles.
But I wonder – if you had godlike wisdom, would you want to become rich in the first place ?
pankaj khandelwal said:
Nayana Somaratna
Soon, everyone in the site will deny that they ever were influenced by Alok 😉
Alok ‘Rodinhood’ Kejriwal said:
I am sorry guys but we have been only spamming each other since last few pages with a lot of noise outside the main topic. Maybe we need to keep this discussion to rest and move on.
Its agreed upon by a lot of us that money is important.
Abey John
Alok, I was just looking for something for you to trip over so we can haul you over the coals with it. Don’t you know aieyoo is a south indian term. We have the Geographical Indicator patent on it so anyone who is not a south indian is immediately guilty of all sorts of patent and trademark violations.
Alok ‘Rodinhood’ Kejriwal said:
pankaj khandelwal
@ Alok….lol
Alok ‘Rodinhood’ Kejriwal said:
pankaj khandelwal
thats exactly what we are discussing…..
Nayana Somaratna said:
pankaj khandelwal
Nayana…..lets get back to the discussion please….
Nayana Somaratna said:
Anushka Shroff
Hi Pankaj…
Thanks…our wavelengths match 🙂
Why would anyone follow Alok ?? 🙂 🙂
pankaj khandelwal said:
Anushka Shroff
This hilarous..obituary ? LOL
Alok ‘Rodinhood’ Kejriwal said:
pankaj khandelwal
Well Alok….i would also like to go along with Anushka and respond by saying …lol
Anushka Shroff said:
pankaj khandelwal
Neil….there isnt any grudge…..you said what you wanted to…and to express your own thoughts is what we are all here for .I don’t think anyone has the right to stop you from saying what you want to.It takes all sort to make this world and what you say can be right for some ,wrong for some and not understood by many [lol]…..so ,please ,no explanations… …btw….I agree ,if money could buy love Ambani’s wouldnt be fighting ….
Neil Bahal said:
Anushka Shroff
Hey Neil
Wassup ?
If you rewind back your comments on this discussion …This is what I had replied to you…:-))
True……..It definitely cannot buy True love, Power, Happiness & Health…!
Neil Bahal said:
Neil Bahal said:
pankaj khandelwal
i was told by someone that he was refused recognition by his relatives and friends whilst he was in a poor state….once revival occurred and richness came his way,he became everyone’s star…..now thats quite a common experience…
Anushka Shroff
Oh yeah…that’s one of the “terms & condition” of the world 🙂 ..u agree to it ????
pankaj khandelwal said:
pankaj khandelwal
yes Anushka….whatever said and done….respect increases with increse in bank balance….one can actually note the ‘awe’…however its so hollow ,as it is not based on you as a person .
Anushka Shroff said:
Nayana Somaratna
But wouldn’t a person capable of building up a bank balance like that (through legal means, of course) be worth of some degree of awe ? You are unlikely to become rich if you are a drunken wastrel !
pankaj khandelwal said:
pankaj khandelwal
Nayana….would you say that only a person with a bank balance is worth an ‘awe’….does it imply that those with other more positive assets but no money are not worth a decent response…?lets give an example of an honest journalist…..with a minimal bank balance but a great journalism behind him…
Nayana Somaratna said:
Omkar Nisal
Why TOM never killed JERRY?
pankaj khandelwal
Omkar…Tom never killed Jerry for the reason that he wastefully wanted to play along..but he did go after him all his life….what for ? but he still went on and on and on …similarly…i would go on to stress why we all are permanently after money …money …money…we tend to lose so much in our greed for it …but still…we simply go on …
Anushka Shroff
Money is definitely important…it is required to live a good life….though it’s not everything..
Aman Jha
Thanks Omkar for including link of my post here…..
To answer your question Pankaj, I believe people chase money for two reason:
1) The fact that money is an enabler and it can enable you to do most of the things in life….
2) The misconception that more money more happiness….
I dont think everyone is chasing money….
Money is just like another raw material you need to build ur product.
I have never had the luxury of enjoying inheritance or some capital from family, also I have never approached any VCs, yet none of my project ever stalled due to lack of capital.
Reason for this is I searched for capital in the same manner I did for other raw materials for my project.
Yes like Tom, most of the people go after something on and on for whole life, but that one thing need not be money everytime. What would you say about Amitabh Bachchan, why is he working hard yet? for money or because he fears his money will exhaust before he does…. NO! Because that one thing for him is acting….
Those who are chasing money and only money for sure doesn’t understand money!
pankaj khandelwal
Yes Anushka.it definitely is important to lead a good life ,but the never ending yearning …even after one has enough for a good life…its that ”itch” that which to my mind ,gives life a turn for the ”worse”,,,as in ..all ills begin to get born
pankaj khandelwal
Aman ….i think you best summarized the point….cheers…!! some people like Amitabh Bachchan are still going on …these are the guys one can say take Work as Worship…
I am delighted at your clarification …thanx indeed
Soumen Das
I think money chases successful people. If a person runs a ngo which has great impact on society, money or resources automatically starts following it even though the person’s target is not money.
pankaj khandelwal
A valid point …but the best part is that once money begins to flow…the NGO might unfortunately want to expand et al…the primary target getting lost somewhere in the overfull coffers….the downslide begins.
.Actually then ,the desire for more resources outshines !!!
Dont know if you will agree or not …
pankaj khandelwal
work is worship….? bullshit …I think its just money ,money and money
Abey John
Not true. The happiest people care a fuck about money. 🙂
pankaj khandelwal
Abey….you must be joking…
Abey John
Nope. Take a look at children before they start wanting things. They are perfectly happy being themselves. Take a rich kid, a poor kid, and a middle class kid, put them all in the same room and they’ll get along just as happily. It is our conditioning that tells us that we need money to be happy. The corollary to this is – the happiest people in the world are not the richest. As long as you peg your happiness to money you won’t be happy otherwise. Of course, when you do get it, you’ll see that you are not that much happier anyway. Insanely, ecstatically happy? Money can’t buy that.