
Is the Samsung NOTE a failure? I ask these 5 questions….

So, can someone please explain this ad to me?

I saw this yesterday in the Economic Times and today in the Mint:

My judgement is based on these 5 questions: 

1. Why would Samsung say things like “Mega Deal” on a phone that is supposed to be a marquee product?

Aren’t deals and discounts given when products don’t sell?

Or when there is a clearance sale?

Or at the most, on occasions like Diwali that demand ‘deals’ because the season is such?

2. Why Sennheiser Headphones? Is that to say that the Samsung headphones are bad?

3. What are free downloads?

Is Samsung telling me that its users otherwise pay for music?

I mean com’on – the entire Android market place is all about ripped music!

4. What do you mean “Free Angry Birds”?

Why should a game (that is anyway old, stale and free) be used to prompt me to buy a Samsung Note??

Isn’t the Note a business phone? I see it being advertised in top quality pink papers – so why promise a 42 year old CEO a free Angry Birds download?!

Isn’t this a clear mismatch of TG and Product?

5. Flip Cover for free??

Is that what the Samsung Note has been reduced to?

Do I buy a Corolla Car because its seat covers are ‘free’??

Till now I thought the Samsung Note ‘was’ the Corolla car of Samsung. Maybe I was wrong. 

I am confused.

What I know is that when I buy brands that I love, respect or aspire for – (Think iPhone or Nike or even Sennheiser earphones), then nothing comes free along with them.


I have to pay extra for covers, for socks, for cases, for everything that I can use along with my dream product.

This ad makes me feel like the Samsung Note is just the ‘by-product’ or everything else that is coming with the ‘package’.

Actually, in the end, I don’t even know what I am buying!!!
