TheRodinhoods – SPAMMERS PARADISE ??!!!

I got a mail from Linkedin telling me that I had got a comment on one of my posts.


This is what I saw when I logged in:



Now, this Anurag guy’s remark REALLY PISSED ME off. I mean who the hell was he, SPAMMING MY CONTACTS WITH SOME CRAPPY marketing of his ??.


I clicked on his profile to send him a stinker mail (assumed that he was known to me although I did not remember him clearly)


This is what came up:


And bloody Hell – there it was!




Despite that, he had SPAMMED ME.


I then took me a second to realize and assume that this was because of Linkedin’s IN MAIL option that you get when you become a paid user?? 


I thought that was only for mail – but then how did he get to COMMENT on someone he is not connected to?


I’m sure this dude had paid the most expensive option  (just 3k a month) and was merrily spamming away on posts that have lots of comments and likes, so that the all the participants of those post got a does of his garbage…


This incident tells me where the sanctity of Linkedin is headed if not checked quickly.


Paid and Premium Options should include:


– Restrict outsiders to only sending mails to strangers BUT not allowing them to post on others comments and updates.


– Blacklist accounts for a month like these once flagged and audited.


– Get a better revenue model!


I will be marking Hari Krishnan – head of linkedin india on this link for his info.




Interesting links on this site:

The linkedin’s founder’s mail to me

Linkedin SPAM – Part 1