
Looking for Collaborators for #TheStartupStore

Hello to everyone in the Rodinhood land!

Hope the startup ecosystem is treating you well. Being in the same world from where things look and work different, here is something we would like to seek from those in the ecosystem. 

We are Utpatang, the first ever kind of e-commerce portal, titled as #TheStartupStore. We intend to conceptualize and create products that cater to startup needs, add to the ecosystem, talk productivity, inspire engagement and have a sense of startup as its core functioning. We have recently forayed into ideating startup spaces with creative ideas and executing them at our level. This has been received with great appreciation and we look forward to partnerships for exciting outputs.

To get the ball rolling, we have started with a few creative merchandise that range from creative typo mugs, startup metal signages, inspiring multi-size posters, industry-specific decals, classic-design notebooks and tees. As any one of you, we intend to increase our product range and cater to a wider and ever-growing startup audience.

And this is possible only by way of collaboration with awesome people who understand that it has the strength to let magic happen.

To be specific, we are looking forward for collaboration in following ways:

> Collaboration for items which could be designed/conceptualized by Utpatang and actualized by your production facilities

> Display of your products on our website as a market place (Cross-Promotion)

> Display/Installation of our products at your work space, specifically co-working spaces (at a discounted fee), if it guarantees enough eye-balls.

> Partnership in ideating a work space with your products. We are specifically looking for collaboration with manufacturers of:

The idea is to work as a team and get shit done!

Our Strengths:

> Strong Back-end Design Team

> Creative Copy Team

> Run by Startup Enthusiasts

> Strong Vendor Network

> Well-Researched industry

> Keep uncorking needs/wants/wishes of a startup 

What’s there for YOU:

> A team to give shape to your manufacturing abilities

> Marketers at your service

> Your stepping stone to the startup ecosystem

> Market place for your product display

> Opportunity to create unique products

> Be a part of #thestartupstore in making!

If you have any other ways of collaborating with us, do let us know. We are open to ideas that smell growth!

Ways to connect with us:


Contact: 9911965296 | 9990484771 | 9717755890


Twitter: @Ut_patang

Just mail us your interest and key specialization and little detail about how you intend to collaborate. We will get back to you really soon!