
Looking for SMEs to profile on a TV show

Hi all,

I work with a Business News Channel in Mumbai and have been lucky to have shot with Alok a few times for shows of ours. (He’s awesome to have on a show since he speaks so well – I’m sure you guys agree.)

Anyway, we’re doing a new series for the channel that will look at Start ups/SMEs in India, with a focus on how the internet has been a game changer for them.

So, i”d like you guys to help me find some stellar SMEs to profile.

These SMEs should be between 2 to 5 years old. The important bit is that they should be using the internet as a game changer.

So could be a company that has set up its business online or even an offline company that has used the internet to get an online presence and increase its reach and sales. Basically, using the internet is key.

Currently we’re looking at SMEs based in 4 geographical sectors – Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka & NCR.

Please refer your company or other companies that you think would be ideal for this.

I will be very grateful and thankful for your help 🙂

Mail me on

(That’s the new MSN email domain – I don’t work for Outlook magazine hehehe)


Sumiit Lakhutia

P.S.: – A photo from a panel discussion that Alok was a part of last week. Will share the youtube link shortly 🙂