On an average I receive 25 mails mails each day.
On closer analysis of my mails , I concluded that majority of the mails are being sent for the following (un)reasonably reasons!
1. Record/ Proof:
“Your commitment are on mail. We have a record of this.” Have you heard someone saying this in your company.
Such mails are used for escalations in future.
2. “I-M-Portant”
Many a times (less important) people marked in cc, would display their importance through mails.
This shows their involvement or contribution in the matter of concern.( I hate you guys)
Why not call ?
4. Emotional Outburst:
Stinker mails fall in this category.Followups from point 1 generally end up being such mails.
Another thing that irritates me the most is the
1. long text heavy mails – why cant they use the KISS (Keep it short simple) technique.
2. why be so formal ( who carez!): Why most mails have to start with “Dear, Hi, Hello”
and end with “Thanks, Regards (even when not required)- though auto-signature thankfully takes care of this (:-)).
For majority of mails – a subject line is enough to communicate your thoughts.
Waiting desperately for fb/twitter kinda solution to be created and adopted by organisations in India soon!