
Mompreneurs Meet – The other side of the Supermoms!


The Mompreneurs meet kicked off on a vibrant note of ‘celebration’. Mridula Arora of and Nidhi Pathak of momz’space who were also the organizers of the event said “the very idea that mothers have taken a step forward towards their entrepreneurial journey was worth celebrating”.




We started with Salma Moosa the chairperson of who started her entrepreneurial journey at 18, shares how with only a high school degree and wearing a veil to office, she met her challenges and came out winning. Running her own companies in many cities today, she motivated mothers by saying  “Entrepreneurship is never about a man, woman or mother. I dislike the idea of adding a gender to it. Use your brain, you don’t need fancy degrees to follow your passion. When you choose an idea, choose what defines you”. Truly motivating words of wisdom. Accompanied with her old mom, she shares how her mother has been her pillar of strength at all times.






“Don’t let anyone tell you that you cannot do it” Anu Krishna of Citrya says. Having a commerce background and staying at home mom for five years, Anu started becoming restless. With no tech background, she jumped into the technology space to gain new learning and made an amazing product using QR codes. Along with her partner Uma, who quit her eighteen year old software job in corporate sector, to do what she loves, the duo rocks as a team.








Nidhi Pathak from Momz’ space told how she got an idea to build a community completely run by mothers. With her informative blogs, meets, play dates, she educates, empowers and support the mothers in all possible ways. She also runs kid’s kitchen where she teaches three year old and above to prepare their meals without using fire/bake besides educating them about healthy eating habits.

Savitha Reddy, mentor for the day and running a centre for international school of languages shared how it is to run three centres in the city and challengesshe faces. She exchanged a lot of information on the organisations to stay connected and motivated. She cleared many doubts and answered many questions. Everybody was so thankful to her.

The charismatic Babita of, a clothing and image consulting company told how she dreamt of becoming a doctor and landed up becoming a designer and running her own brand today. “Always keep a track of your numbers and account”, “never feel shy of taking help” and ” write whatever comes to your mind. It helps you to retrace when you need” were some of the wisdom she shared with us.




The entire session was very energetic. These wonderful women were examples of courage and passion besides being mothers. Once again I could feel so alive with them. In the heart of my heart, I was happy that I did not go back to my usual office job, instead I could pick and follow what I want at any stage of life. Sometimes giving a break to be with your little one gives you  time to introspect and revise your career and  life plan and explore new oppertunities you never thought of. I am happy that I did.


The Rodinhoods of course has always been a boost. Real stories of failure, experiences, empthay, encouragement and a big ecosystem help you connect with like minds. Alok, the founder of our community, in his most humble and unconditional ways is ever ready to help anyone and everyone in their journey. Free open house in major cities give the members to connect offline in a very unique way. With this free ‘kuber ka khazana’ , trust me, anybody can become rich.


There were stories and more stories.Sujata S Iyer, the producer and host at kalaalayam and also the CEO and founder at Mommyandmewithsu ,Kalpana of Butter and Love, who undergoes a surgery ever year and yet keeping her passion alive by hitting back, Sumangala from revise diet, Pragaya Jain’s Artychokes, Caroline from santanabycaroline, Kavitha from, there was no stopping. An atmosphere where everyone started connecting with each other in no time. Sharing, laughing, tears, music, it was indeed a wonderful meet.

Everybody was trying to break old patterns, removing barriers, creating resources and making the change in their own ways with their heart, mind and deeds.






1- You are important to yourself. Prioritise yourself too.

2- There is nothing like ‘big way or small way” early or late. Just start doing.

3- Degrees don’t define what you can/cannot do.

4- Find a mentor or become your own.

5- Learn and make use of technology. Don’t shy away from it.

6- Your passion will start generating money, know your numbers, business structure well. You will need it.

7- Always and always choose an idea you can live with and never let it go.


Thank you Mridula Arora and Nidhi Pathak for organising the event with such precision and special thanks to Asha for connecting and being a supporter.