I need help in setting up Universal Analytics for a web property. Need someone with deep understanding of custom dimensions and metrics and overall a champ in UA.
This is not a long term job. I need help only in setting it up. Would be happy to pay for your time.
If interested, please drop me an email at rahul at arkenea dot com.
Mansoor Shaikh
You need to new setup or upgrade your existing analyitcs to Universal?
If it is new setup then you dont need to do anything. Just normal setup would go to Universal Analytics
If you want to upgrade your existing analyitcs then just follow this: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/upgrade/guide
Rahul Varshneya
Thanks Mansoor, but setting up can mean a whole lot more than just installing the basic code. 🙂
I’m looking for someone who can help setup the initial analytics based on the metrics we want to track.