I have registered a website basically for the media persons other than usual National & International, the Associations & Dissociations,the Ascendance & Descendance, the Awards & Nominations, the Enters& Exits, the Adjudications & Felicitations, the Expansion & Contractions,the Digitals & Analogues, the Arrivals & Departures of the M&EIndustry. it has chat mail blogs and forum for discussions. I need your suggestions to make this better. We started with cable ops and broadcasters in the begining slowly we will add up the other verticals like marketing adsales etc.
Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal
can u please add the URL in the text of the post?
Also, what are the questions you want to ask?
be specific!
Hemant Pulijala
Piyush your site is too plain make it a little colorful .Congrats for good work and welcome to the rodinhoods.