
New Project LetiGo

I was reading something and watching a few videos all at once. I still do not remember but someone had written…

Best therapy sessions are the ones I have had talking to myself alone in the bedroom over tears and ice cream

I know I should have remembered who it was so that when my start up/project becomes a hit I could at least thank her.

This gave me the inspiration to create my very own version of venting out place. a simple site which lets you vent it out but doesn’t save it. You don’t even have to create a account nope nothing just a place to write your frustration out.

I should be adding a shout it out part to it too…

In the mean time have a look and Write it Out


In case you are wondering if you can read the rant again right now you cannot. I wanted to provide a punching bag or a flush seat where you leave all your frustrations and never have to look back at them again.

I am sure that if and when I add a audio recorder it will let you playback once and then it will be gone… Let me see if I can code it first
