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Oh Hell…My Paanwalla is flying my plane…

If what I read is true (on the latest pilot scam to hit India), then anyone who is any kind of amateur driver (sure it starts with planes) can bribe that stinking new delhi civil aviation authority or forge some documents and FLY PLANES THAT U AND I SIT IN!!

Isn’t that shocking?

I mean when i hire a driver, and even if he has faked his license, when i take him for a test run, it takes less than a minute to find out that he is an amateur. If the case is really bad, I ask him him to park on the kerb and get out!

How can co-pilots and other personnel NOT detect that a pilot is a fake??

I mean does it take a massive HARD LANDING (what happened in the Indigo flight) and almost heart attacks of passengers to figure out that the pilot is a quack??


Can my paanwalla just get into the cockpit and start flying the plane??


Who interviews these fake pilots in these airlines? I know Jet Airways has mock simulators that test these pilots in various situations – don’t the other airlines do the same?

Or is it just than same old concept of ‘anything goes’ and that since life is what God gave us, the Paanwalla – a child of God has the right to also take it away???

oh god, I am feeling sick and badly need a paan…


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  1. Hi Alok,

    To a large extent, I guess these media reports are a little fragmented and only based on some research done here and there. There is no doubt about the fact that there would be people getting fake flying licenses but I don’t think they use it in any way. None of the airlines would risk losing business by giving planes to these “fakers”, this especially in times where the airline business not doing good. I guess we will have to take the news with a little pinch of salt, get a scare of flying and obviously watch the news space for more (which is what they want).


  2. Well the fact truly is that YES “Anything Goes” . We have heard similar reports about Doctors, Lawyers, Professors, Cops and many more. The only day we respond to it all is when we are DIRECTLY related to it. Infact if it was the same case with the driver of a train running between two rural villages of UP,Orrisa or Bihar carring 10* more passengers…..sadly it would not have made it to the news too forget debating over on prime time news 🙁

  3. Alok,

    Was there any need to put a picture on this blog?
    No mean to offense please.


  4. Himani – is is my paanwala of 30 years… he knows about this! (Ps – very famous in Mumbai)

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