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PET VET Services

Hey guys, we are building an app to bring transparency in the pet industry. We are putting up verified pets on the platform and helping them find home. And also the platform will cater to your family vet and you can make an appointment from the app. 

Currently, we are meeting vets and are trying to market our product in their customers so that we get initial traction and targeted user base. We are also doing social media activities on facebook and twitter and are engaging pet owners and lover there.

How can we get connected to the pet influencer i.e. people who have been writing blogs, articles or for that matter are experts of the industry.

Subscribe on our website for more updates.

You can share us in your network. We are all ears for feedback and any suggestion. 

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  1. look for pet communities and reach out to the. 

    later on you can create your own pet community.

    if you’re into helping pets find adopted homes – you need to be in touch with all the NGOs that work towards this and partner with them.

    will share with my pet lover friends for more ideas.

  2. also get in touch with schools and kids’ activities clubs. you could do a small talk there to create awareness. kids love pets!!

  3. It’s a platform to manage you vet appointments etc and also giving home to pet, so don’t think so school and kids activities is going to be of any help for us. Thanks for the suggestion

  4. abhinav, who is the key pusher to adopt a pet? it’s kids. they drive their parents to get them a pet. being a parent, i know that for sure.

    perhaps you should make what you do a bit more clear in your post. there is still a lot of ambiguity. should your headline be PET VET SERVICES instead?

    if you added some images of your website one would be able to understand what you do better and respond to your queries in a better way.

  5. Hi Abhinav,

    Liked your idea. Subscribed.

    ~Sunil Suri

  6. Ok got it. Thanks for the support and reply

  7. cool signature in your registration mail.

    “Woof Woof”!!

  8. Thanks. We will keep you posted about updates. Share the love for the furry speechless one. Tell more people about it

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