
[Pre-Launch Feedback] AdShout – Simple Voice Broadcasting Solution

Hi Guys,

Some time back I had mentioned about working on some of the propitiatory call routing algorithms to help cut down the call costs And here is our very first implementation of it.

We have come up with a low cost Voice Broadcasting solution.
( Broadcast your message anywhere in India, @ just 15 paise per minute )

The project is codenamed ‘AdShout

It is essentially a Three Step Process.
1. Create Contact list OR Upload CSV files
2. Upload per-recorded mp3 voice file
3. Broadcast the message to selected contact list

To make sure, you get most out of it, We have implemented a logic to identify Failed / Not reachable calls. Thus if your broadcast message gets dropped due to user’s Un-availability OR for any other reason, then your credits wont be deducted…and all these logs are available in real time inside your control panel.

Give it a try at

Its a very early stage beta, so your suggestions / feedback / complaints are highly welcomed to make this product better.

Rahul Am


Just thought of adding some focus over use cases of voice Broadcasting.

There are a lot of use cases,
Viz. Vote request is one of the most known implementation.

But voice broadcast can also be used for Product promotions / Publicity campaigns / Event alerts etc purposes
Ex. Sending movie promotions / Event alerts / Product promotional messages / Promo coupon codes etc.
and the beauty of it would be, You would be able to convey more information than an SMS & at a lower price than SMS

Soon, we would be adding interactivity in voice broadcasts, which would enable businesses to receive user inputs / feedback / activity confirmation via same broadcasted message….