
Are Your Push Notifications Not Converting? Use These 2 Tactics Right Away to Turn the Wheel!

Push notification can make or break a deal. Your success with the push notification depends on how carefully you use it to achieve conversions. But, have you ever felt you did everything right, but no conversion is happening? Let me help you achieve the real results.

First, let’s look into the short history of push notifications.

Push notifications were originally popularized on Blackberry devices, where they were used to notify users about the new emails received. But over the years, push notifications got a matured form and today they are an integral part of every mobile app, whether it be an e-commerce app or a taxi booking app.

But when I have had a look into a report released by the mobile engagement platform Localytics in 2015, the thing was really terrible. You can see below that why I got shocked.

Image credit: Localytics

But now the things are getting good for the most of the app owners after they tweaked their push notification strategies. What changes they brought into action? Let me tell you.

  1. Personalized notifications based on event

According to a study by Blueshift, a customer engagement services company, which analyzed 2 billion push notifications and emails, push notification based on events (or actions) particular to that user brought in 2,770 percent increase in the engagement.

What does push notification based on events mean?

It means triggering a notification when users are taking a particular action on the app, for example, when users are booking a ticket, you can trigger them with a notification that encourages them to book return ticket as well. In case if it is an e-commerce app, you can suggest them to buy accessories associated with the core product that they are buying while they are placing the order.

To push notifications in such a way, your mobile app should be good enough to support push notification strategies. So when you need to develop an app, make sure you collaborate with only an expert Mobile app development company who has a deep understanding of the latest push notification strategies.

The user engagement platform called CleverTap can help you create personalized push notifications based on events.

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  1. Relevant content

If your notification system follows a random content strategy, obviously your notifications will end up in being pushed away (to the left or right) by users.

According to the push notification platform,, your push notification content should follow these rules:

  1. Short and crisp content

Example: “Early summer discounts and a chance to win goodies. Buy now!”

  1. Make statements, don’t ask questions

Example: “Grow your subscriber list with these guidelines. Have a look now.”

  1. Use a sense of urgency

Example: “Limited edition autographed merchandise. Offer ends soon. Grab it!”

  1. Don’t send the same thing again and again

For example, if you send this “Limited edition autographed merchandise. Offer ends soon. Grab it!” again and again, it won’t make any sense. Instead use this, “50% off! Just for you! Use code LIMITED40 when making your purchase.”

  1. Make the message action oriented

Example: “Buy your favorite book at 40% off! Hurry! Sale ends in 2 days!”


Hope you got the special information that can make your push notifications profitable. In case if you’re going to build a mobile app with an advanced push notification system, you are suggested to choose an experienced mobile apps development company. So they can make your app a perfect fit to send targeted push notifications.