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Question of the Week – HR

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If there was only ONE QUESTION you could ask while hiring an HR Manager, what would it be?

Please reply as a comment. The best questions will be added to the body of this post!



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  1. (i’m using g2w as an example)

    Q: Considering g2w is into the business of creating fun & happiness, what one (non extravagant) monthly activity would you initiate to ensure g2w’s work environment remains just as fun & engaging?

  2. I would ask,

    “Describe how an organisation can work efficiently without having an HR Manager.”

  3. Do you really think the regular Interview process if effective?

  4. Is*

  5. How will you make sure the new employees understand and imbibe the culture of g2w?

  6. if you were to hire for the positions you are interviewing for, what qualities would you look in a candidate and rate yourself on those qualities.

  7. Why Should Games2Win Hire YOU ?

  8. adding the fb responses that came in –

  9. Do we really need you?

  10. Describe your ideal place of work in as much detail as you can. Try and cover every aspect that would make it ideal for you – people, culture, pay, etc 

  11. If I called your manager and asked what one thing irritated them about you, what would they say?

    What was your claim to fame in your previous role?

    If you had a magic wand and could have any job, what would it be?

    If you’re offered this job how could you transform the role?

    .. these are not my original but i found them very interesting

    Reply source :

  12. What all do you look for (if at all yo do) in a prospective candidate’s résumé? 

  13. I will first explain him/her one problem statement/example related to sexual / mental harassment scenario at workplace. Then i will ask,

    Q: How will you deal with this issue?

  14. If it’s India.

    1. Ask Manager to name all applicable laws of companies

    2. Ask him about easiest and toughest decision he has taken as HR manager.

    3. Ask him why a full time HR manager is required as it can be easily outsourced with less money!

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