
Quick Survey to understand how people buy/sell used photography equipment

Hello Rodinhooders,

We are a startup into 360° photography services, during our interactions with fellow photographers we felt there is a gap in how used gear is bought/sold online, listings are scattered, none of the existing sites show up similar products, a specific piece of gear you are looking for is not available right now but you wouldn’t know when someone is selling it unless you keep checking frequently. The initial idea is to build an aggregator + a service like google alerts. But before building anything we are trying to understand how photographers are buying/selling used photography gear online.

So if you are a photographer(serious or casual) and have tried to sell/buy gear online would be great if you could spare a few minutes to respond to the survey below. Do share with any photog friends too –

Would love to hear your thoughts, if you think it might work or just doesn’t make sense.

Thanks in advance. 

36ty Solutions
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