Have you watched and liked ‘The Bourne Identity’, yeah the very first of the series?
What are the TWO things you like most about the movie?
I am asking this for some interesting research that will benefit all Rodinhooders.
I’ll post details and the results of the research here.
Kiran K.
Vikram Kulkarni
I am in absolute love with that movie, for storyline, for cinematography, the concept, the action EVERYTHING!
Now I am thinking it again as you have asked for two things, because I loved the overall experience. Never thought of individual things out of it.
I believe its a familiar situation for Rodinhooders!
I am not much experienced in life/business/rodinhoods forum. This is my understanding with whatever I know. Eagerly waiting for your analysis
Kiran Kumar
Vikram thanks for your comment. I am still waiting for enough data on this here 🙂
Vikram Kulkarni
Any update on the research? looks like I am the only one replied. 🙁
Kiran Kumar
Not much data Vikram. But I am going to write about the context in my next blog post about ‘Business Emails’. Thanks.