This is my second post on this forum. Today i want to introduce you to a very big problem faced by mothers while giving birth to a child i.e. “Blood Loss”. Many females die while giving birth as they face heavy blood loss.
Average age of Indian society is 22-30 years. Prime age to donate blood. Despite this everyday many people die due to unavailability/affordability of blood.
While in college me and one of my friend started a community to send student volunteers to donate blood as and when requested by doctors.When doctors contacted us for blood we posted on the social networking groups and saw very strong response. 20-30 people used to volunteer for 1-2 units. After some time support started to die out.
Why suddenly people are not interested for this noble cause? We found out when people responded enthusiastically and where not given a chance to help, their enthusiasm died down. So we changed our methodology of working. We started collecting database of students via registration and gathered information such as contact number age and blood group type. And then contact a particular student with a the matching blood group and ask his availability. If the person is available our work is done. If not contact another volunteer and so on. This helped us to continue our support and reduce loss of enthusiasm. After college we wanted to spread the idea to all the residential schools across the country but as we moved out of college we could not find volunteers in our back yard to carry on the initiative.
Now I am planning to spread the idea across the forums so as people can start small blood support group on their own. I also want to develop a small portal and server space to help people to register volunteers and carry on this noble cause. I have thought through the functionality of the software and platform but have no clue from where to start. Any help in the above matter will be much appreciated.
Also would like to ask if their will be any legal hurdle faced by individuals/volunteers for example (can we register people without knowing their health/diseases). You might need following information for further discussion
Why blood donation and blood banks are unable to cater to need despite so many blood donation camps?
Shelf life of blood donated to a blood bank if preserved carefully is 90-120 days. And blood banks require a lot of investment and huge operating cost there by increase the cost of blood supplied or provided by them. We support blood banks as well, as they do necessary research and testing on blood which is a very essential. We wanted to start a support group and help people so that patients have to pay minimum charges.
What happens when we donate blood on spot?
When we donate blood on spot hospital collects donated blood and provides equivalent amount of stored blood at minimal handeling, processing and testing cost i.e. at Rs 300-500. So we fulfill few major services 1. Replenishing hospital resources 2. Reducing wastage 3. Making rare blood groups available to the patients at minimal cost
asha chaudhry
hi harsh,
pls check this out – i think you have some synergies…
Ankt Bajoria
Darshan Bhambiru
Blood India
Check this if it helps :- Share Further, so it helps more too!!
Need blood urgently???
Under ‘Blood-on-Call’ scheme by Maharashtra government, once you place an order, you will be delivered blood unit within 1 hour in radius of 40 kms….
Charges are Rs 450/- for blood unit and Rs 50/- to Rs 100/- for transportation.
A bottle of blood is now just a click away, thanks to the efforts of the Food and Drug Control Administration, Gujarat (FDCA). For, the FDCA has now uploaded the details of all blood banks across the state on its website ( The website also gives details of number of units of blood of each group available with every blood bank. The address of the blood bank along with the contact details of the concerned person is also available online. The website also allows for district and city-wise search based on blood group.
One of the rarest Blood Group is “Bombay Group” type, all over India only maybe a fewer than a Dozen available, Keep a track of those rare blood Group types in an emergency only the Bombay Blood Type could donate to another if required and no other Very Important!!! This blood phenotype was first discovered in Bombay, now known as Mumbai, in India, by Dr. Y. M. Bhende in 1952.
This very rare phenotype is generally present in about 0.0004% (about 4 per million) of the human population, though in some places such as Mumbai (formerly Bombay) locals can have occurrences in as much as 0.01% (1 in 10,000) of inhabitants and 1 in a million people in Europe. Given that this condition is very rare, any person with this blood group who needs an urgent blood transfusion will probably be unable to get it, as no blood bank would have any in stock. Those anticipating the need for blood transfusion may bank blood for their own use, but of course this option is not available in cases of accidental injury.
Bombay Blood Group: A Case Report. Dr. Mansoor Quli Khan, MBBS, MD, Ph.D. Hosmat Hospital, Bangalore, India.
Harsh Gilda
Thanks Darshan,
Exactly my point, there are 38 such rare blood groups which are very difficult to find. Also Scheme is not available across the country. In short span of my working in this field have seen many emergency cases where patients did not receive help in time. Also while i was in college in 4 months we supplied 200 units of blood to District hospital Trichy. And Trichy is 2nd largest city in Tami Nadu.
Even if we save 1 life with this initiative we will be able to justify our efforts.. isn’t it..:)