Well, this one is for the entrepreneurs out there and it’s a personal opinion that don’t outsource your hiring, hire a guy or a girl and use Naukri or Babajob and figure out stuff on your own put don’t outsource to an HR Agency in any case.
Running a startup is a difficult but adventurous task 🙂 And it’s totally worth it.
Richard Branson is the man, Losing your virginity is a must read.
Always keep hiring for your company, always.
Customer is the god, and customer service is the art of praying to your God. So if you are an atheist, don’t be 😉
Your gut feeling about a person/event/circumstance is what you should always go with. And in most of the cases is always right. For example: if a person works in a corporate firm and you pitch your startup to him, if at first instance he is inclined towards joining you then he probably will, if he is not then he won’t. No matter how hard you try, no matter how many lunches or dinners you sponsor.
Always do stuff which you think is crazy. You won’t get anywhere by increasing your visitors using conventional ways month on month.
You know who else is god? A journalist 🙂
Always, always think how will you make your processes better!
Vodafone network in Mumbai sucks big time, Airtel is no less.