TheRodinhoods Reinventing the browser homepage

Most people are willing to contribute time and resources towards a social cause. But most of them fail to do so. Why? Probably, because of the fast paced lives. It simply becomes difficult to devote time and effort to find and support credible charities. This thought led to the creation of

SmilingStart is a simple web application which enables individuals to support charities with minimal effort and zero cost.

How It Works

  1. Signup and select a charity
  2. Set as your browser homepage
  3. Each day you receive a beautifully designed wallpaper which is sponsored by an advertiser
  4. We charge the advertisers for each user who sees the branded wallpaper
  5. 75% of this fee gets donated to the cause and we retain remaining 25%
  6. Users can log-in and check-out the exact impact of their contributions towards the cause

We are trying to harness the huge space available on the browser homepage and divert ad spends towards charitable causes. The homepage now has the power to help feed children, educate underprivileged girls and provide shelter for street kids.





Our Legal Setup

SmilingStart is a venture of Thalia Technologies Private Limited. We are a profit driven organization with an intense social objective. The profit motive encourages efficiency and innovation and the social motive brings satisfaction of contributing to the society. We strive to maximize every cent of investment and minimize expenses incurred in creating and delivering value.

75% of the advertisement fees are donated to charitable causes selected by our users while we retain the remaining 25%. This revenue helps us cover our expenses, spread awareness and grow meaningfully. We believe this model will fulfil our mission of making a meaningful difference to the society and be sustainable at the same time.

Pilot Campaign was launched on in the first week of April 2013 with a Pilot Campaign. During the initial period of few months we will run advertisements free of cost. The donations will come from our private sponsors and the entire amount goes to the charities. We have a target to achieve 10,000 signups during this period. Currently, SmilingStart is supported through my personal savings and family funds.

We have approached many advertisers, agencies and the idea was appreciated well. Creation of user base is our biggest challenge.

We have handpicked three of the most credible charities across India. Each of these credible charities work on low overheads, report transparently and deliver on the ground level for the up-liftment of the needy children. We will add new charities after the pilot campaign. As I write this post, we have enabled 99 mid-day meals, 49 days of education for underprivileged girls and 73 days of shelter for street kids!

SmilingStart is an honest effort to engage masses in a simple yet powerful way to create a positive change.

We require your suggestions and feedback to improve and achieve our goals.

Visit us, signup and spread the word:

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