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StagePhod, ProductYo, Custprint, Plan F, NPC2015 and Hyderabadis – where are u? [Sept 5-11, 2015]

Hello Rodinhooder!

How did the week treat you?  Was it challenging? Are you looking at raising money? So… what’s Plan F?? And what’s the plan if Plan F gets effed??!!

No, I haven’t been smelling glue. It’s just that whenever I speak to a Rodinhooder, we end up using the F-word a lot. WTFunding?!

So now that we are nearly 10,400 Rodinhooders, quite a lot of you are newbies and are still figuring your way around. If you happen to be one, and you still haven’t gone throughAlok’s Funding Pitch templateYOU CAN FIND IT HERE! Pls feel free to use it 🙂

(and i want his money!!! lolz)


Main Course

Rodinhooder Kritika showcased her content venture on #trh. Read what happened after that…

Best practices in Viral Video Marketing. Gyaan from the expert himself!

Don’t Drop the Balls! [startup comic, in case you are wondering…]


Startup Starters

productYo – a product discovery platform

StagePhod – a marketplace to discover video makers/ production houses

Custprint – Customised merchandise, but you get to design your own stuff!


On the side

Bollywood style trailer for an app yet to be released…

Following a passion…

Manish has finally found a venue for his Travel Café project. He needs lots of ideas and suggestions!


Startup Platter

This week we have lots of startup programs, competitions and events to share!

Wharton India Economic Forum

Round 2 of applications for #wiefstartup competition is still open! So do apply!!

Startup Tunnel is offering a CivicTech Incubation Program

Tata Social Enterprise Challenge for budding Social Entrepreneurs


Startup Events!


Startup Saturday – The Internet of Things

WIN ’15 – the hottest conference & awards in Mumbai for Bloggers! Once again, we have partnered with Blogadda for this event and TWO FREE TICKETS ARE UP FOR GRABS! There is also a special discount code in case you don’t win the free tiks 🙂

NASSCOM Product Conclave #NPC2015 Bangalore Oct 13-15

The biggest startup event of the year is here!  And we at TheRodinhoods are pleased to partner with NASSCOM for their flagship event! As a Rodinhooder, you can avail of a special discount – just register using the discount code! 

Registration link –  

Discount code:  NPC_Rodinhoods

Offer valid till – September 20, 2015  


HYDERABAD CALLING! #trh meetup (Sept. 19)

I’m in Hyd next week and I intend to meet all my rodinhooders there! We’re having a meetup. So if you wanna launch/demo – SEND YOUR PPT ASAP!! And don’t forget to RSVP!

Our JOBS section is pretty hot right now!

Got a query? Love answering questions? – HEAD FOR ASK!

We’ve got 12 Rodinhooder experts willing to help you with your confusions & challenges. Go to ASK RODINHOODERS and feel free to ask!!


In case you are looking for last time’s newsletter OR any of our past newsletters, we have them all! 


Signing off with a bit of Dilbert…

cartoon courtesy


think. do. be. anything. you. wanna. be. 



asha chaudhry

co-founder & editor 




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  1. Thanks Asha for covering us in your newsletter.

  2. hey you’re most welcome! would love to know how many rodinhooders sign up on productYo. do keep us posted 🙂

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