Hello folks!
I recently had my “WOW, OMG! Seriously?” moment when I saw this ↓ in my email:
And a few seconds later, I had another such moment – “OMG! (gulp)”. That’s nervousness right there!
(And for those of you who need some background on what this is all about, please refer to THIS)
First of all, I must confess that I am yet to completely realize the “Why Me?” part of it and secondly, I need to come up with a striking idea to be shared with my audience.
Now, I have a few ideas that I think I can relate to my work and talk about such as:
- Paper Modeling served as a meditation to me and helped me in increasing my concentration and then talk about how much one can enjoy pursuing this as a hobby and its benefits similar to those of meditation.
- Or, in the era of 3D Printers, how creating 3D things with Paper and Hands can be so much fun and fulfilling
- Or, the unlimited number of things that could be made using Paper etc.
I need your suggestions / tips / help / ideas about:
- What all I should talk about
- How to make sure my audience is not bored
- What NOT to do
- How to be a good presenter (I’ll also refer to Alok’s POST to make a good PPT)
- How to make sure my TEDx talk @TEDxGITAMUniv goes viral – (Very Important)
And please do suggest a funky and catchy TEDx title too 🙂
UPDATE MAY 27, 2015
The video went online on 26th May 2015:
Paper Modeling – From Passion to Perfection || Atamjeet Singh Bawa || TEDxGitamUniversity
Thank you all,
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
Founder and Principal Paper Modeler at ‘Atamjeet‘
WRITE: contactatamjeet@gmail.com
Twitter: @atamjeetsbawa
Darshan Bhambiru
People react to Stories!!! So make a Story of how you got into what you are doing and maybe take an example of one of them and make that into an experience and that is what makes them go Viral.
Include Quotes and Joke about the situation, make your Nervousness your Strength (refer to the latest Ad featuring ra ra Rishi from Nescafe) A Hint Robert Downey Jr. (Plays Iron man in the movies) and his Wife Became parents of a Baby Girl recently, (You can use that for your Iron (Wo)man Mask) for the next in line release of the Iron Man movie series!! and others similarly too with ISIS being in the trending on media too you have a lot of stories to wrap it around to keep the audience engaged while you display and Demo your Wares and maybe at the end leave a hint that you would be Glad to take up a few orders too!!!
Creativity is Thinking up new things. Innovation is Doing new things.
If you have enough Time at hand, try making a Paper Headset And wear it too while on the STAGE. Remove it at the end of the Talk on stage and Show it to the Audience, you can also use it while on your Trip to Philippines (Call centers, BPO is Big there)
Try to rehearse your “Time allocation” and coordinate all that you want to include in it, for the Event to make it Perfect!! (works always) Use some Fireworks and End with a Bang to leave the desired Impact and Effect!!!
Most of the times people remember the Start and the END, anything in between is just Continuity! So make those Highlighted.
Do NOT SPAM!!! Thats about the only thing – Not to Do! 😉
Share. Transform the World.
This should help you make your own presentation (again from a Tedx GitamUniversity )
Good Going Atamjeet 🙂 “I am much more serious and trying my best to make myself visible where ever possible!” Long way since, the First time I connected with the Shy and not so Talkative one 😉
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
Thank You for your amazing suggestions Darshan.
Miles to go….
….before I find ‘Audi’ cheap!
Rahul Varshneya
This will probably help you: https://www.webinknow.com/2013/05/how-to-prepare-and-deliver-a-tedx-talk.html
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
Thanks Rahul! That helps 🙂
Jubanashwa Mishra
First of all I would like to congratulate you. Here I am trying to answer your question with respect to my previous TEDx speech experience.
Choose a topic which is related to your achievements. what made you popular. Make a story, because 18 minutes is a long long talk for a usual 10 slides funda of presentation.
As you said, you are good at paper modeling. that can be used as props.
Humor is good, but as the TEDx pattern is unilateral. You should not wait for a response from the audience. you can plan out the whole story accordingly.
Be as you are. Audience are always smarter.
Usually a TEDx speakers are invited for a practice session one day before to the event. If your organizer asked you for that, Never say a NO for it.
Check out the stage atleast once before you go up. Because of the shooting going on for the talk, there is a big light source will be focusing on you. In my case I could not even see the audience, a lot of time I was looking at the presentation slide just to avoid the lights. It looks very pathetic, once you see the video later.
Practice atleast ten times in front of your friends/mirror.
How can I say my one didnt go viral 😛
on a serious note..
Content is the king.
Focus on the subject line… short and sweet … so that when someone share your video on facebook; Other can get the gist by having one glance on the one liner.
See this two video. Its really inspiring. Look at his transformation as a speaker.
All the best.
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
Thanks for the great suggestions Jubanashwa.
asha chaudhry
juban – this is so awesome!!!
i think you should post this separately – will help lots of people!!!
Jubanashwa Mishra
let me write it as an article format 🙂
Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal
can you take the GUN and pretend like you have taken someone hostage? dim the room and enter?
Make the GUN the hero?
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
asha chaudhry
pls don’t make a joke on any terrorist group. they don’t have a sense of humour.
plus your head looks really nice connected to your body!!
all the best…!!
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
Hahaha Gotcha!
I’ll remember that 😀
asha chaudhry
hey atamjeet,
when’s your talk?
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
It’s on 10th Jan 🙂
asha chaudhry
all the best. you will rock it! you are a rodinhooder!!
Ranjit Patel
Hey Atamjeet… best of luck Man..
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
I ROCKED Asha ji 🙂
Can’t wait for the video to be uploaded that will take about another 2-3 weeks…
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
Thanks Ranjit Patel 🙂
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
The video is out folks!
asha chaudhry
hey thanks for sharing the video with us atamjeet!!
and thanks for the awesome shoutout for therodinhoods at the end 🙂
keep rocking!!!
Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal
I always said “Get the Audience in 1 minute…. You get them in 20 seconds!!”
Puneet Nirogam Aggarwal
Atamjeet – I loved the talk. Great Video.
Keep Rocking !!!
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
Thanks a lot Puneet ji 🙂
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
PRANAM sir ji and I LOVE you man! You know how to boost confidence of others and you take pride in other’s achievements and that’s very rare to see 😀
Yeah, I managed to make them laugh quite soon and it did help me to loosen up.
I learnt a lot from my first experience at TEDx and I am very excited to do more of such things in future.
Your idea of carrying my war machines on the stage totally rocked man and I’m not even surprised.
Tussi great ho sir ji 🙂
Puneet Nirogam Aggarwal
Atamjeet – Next time throw some paper grenades on the audience 🙂
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
Haha I wanted to do that this time too but couldn’t make the hand grenades in time 😀
Ranjit Patel
A great work, Atamjeet….6P formula – Passion, Practice , patience, persistence , precision , perfection…. Its matter a lot
Atamjeet Singh Bawa
Thanks Ranjit!