
The Best Customer Service I’ve seen in 31 years!

I recently pre-ordered the Special Edition of Max Payne 3 on Flipkart. While this was more than twice the cost of the ‘normal’ edition, it had some amazing extras. I paid the amount in full, using my Credit Card.

I had been looking forward to the delivery of this game for over a month. A day or so ago, I received an email telling me that the vendor was unable to get stock of the special edition. It may come to India eventually, but the normal edition was the only option for now.

I asked if I could cancel the order, wait for the special edition. I was informed that the money would be refunded, placed in my Flipkart wallet. This meant that I would have to spend that money on their site. I found this to be highly unethical. I paid money for a product, they failed to deliver that product. Now they were dictating where I should spend the refund, forcing me to use their ‘Wallet’.

I sent them an email informing them of this. I was resigned to the process. Less than 10 minutes later, I got a call from their customer service, informing me that a straight credit card refund was also possible! He apologised for the mix up. I was stunned! I have never, in my life, dealt with a company that followed up on an email that quickly. On a Sunday evening!

I was already a fan of their service and site. Now I’m actually an evangelist! This is the standard all our mobile companies, airline companies and other sundry ‘customer service’ companies should strive for!