This March I had the most amazing opportunity to Re-Launch my Travel company The Indian Backpacker at the Mumbai Rodinhoods Open House at the NSE. ( A very big Thank you to Alok Kejriwal and Asha Chaudhry for such an opportunity)
A little about The Indian Backpacker –
Indian Backpacker has been a Backpackers guide to India all these years but it was time we re-launched and re-branded ourselves from a Backpack travel company to a Budget travel company.
This Re-launch hasn’t been easy and still takes up hours everyday to make it right.
I am still working on improvements and need a lot of support from the Rodinhooder community to be the no 1.
Here is a link to what looked like before the 8th of March – The Old Indian Backpacker
And Here is the New Indian Backpacker –
The PPT to help you better understand what is so different with the New Site –