
The Meme That Smashed Benchmarks

Sometimes, just sometimes a content piece comes along which gets into the sweet spot: with the users and with Facebook’s ongoing experiments. A meme which was born out of the collective frustration of the team in planning a group trip, went crazy viral smashing all our previous image post benchmarks. 

The Results – First Week

The meme was part of our experiment on Facebook, an innocent little 3pm post on a Tuesday, had gathered more than 110,000 comments by Friday.


Content Marketing to me is like operating a movie studio, make ten movies hoping that two would be crazy successful. Some stuff works, some just dies a quick death, and what works becomes a best practice 🙂

The following four buckets help in planning topics for virality

Easy to guess which bucket this meme fell into 🙂

“Do ten experiments, two may work, just like movie studios”


Tweet me up at @aashishc or LinkedIn if you want to see me in a suit! (click-bait, no suit)