
To an Entreprenuer

Read some beautiful lines recently by Scottish poet Robert Burns…

“The best laid schemes of Mice and Men

oft go awry,

And leave us nothing but grief and pain,

For promised joy”

Thought I’d try my hand at writing a few lines to complete this poem on a happier note…

Sometimes the mice and men sit down to talk

And say such lovely things that make you gawk

They show God’s creations of the sky and grass 

And assure you gently that “This Too Shall Pass!”

We all weather the storm in our way

Some bend over like the grass that sways

Some hold ground the mighty oak

While some choose to gawk and croak

But in the end its all just a fuss

Trust me that God has a plan for all of us

Believe in that and keep moving on

And you’ll soon bid adieu to this passing storm

-Amish Mody