
Weekly Newsletter: Aug 31- Sept 6

Breakfast at Dinner, McDonald’s, Motor Racing, Microsoft, Nokia, Page99…!

My dear Rodinhood,

There is so much happening on trhs – it ain’t funny!!! Well okay, there were a lot of #Nokia #Microsoft jokes….. but seriously, we are bursting at the seams with mind-blowing content!

I believe that the world is a really small place and we bump into people (online & offline) for a reason. Thank you Abhik Prasad for introducing us to Page99 (an online bookstore with a difference) and of course to the amazing rodinhooder behind it – Nivida Chandra in Meet the Rodinhooders…



Breakfast at 9 pm!! Alok has outshined himself – is all I’m going to say 🙂

Sushrut has shared his brand experience with Domino’s, Flipkart, Myntra and Bru World Cafe – share some of your brand experiences as well!!

How does McDonald’s India operate asks Alok…

Rodinhooder Mahek is placed in a low income public school as part of Teach for India. She has initiated a Classroom Fundraiser so the kids can have a warm & friendly environment with a library. Pls contribute in whatever way you can and spread the love.

We have a Racer Rodinhooder in the house! Read about Advait Deodhar’s thrilling life behind the wheel!

How do you decide who becomes the CEO?! Prajakt’s post relevant to all of us!

Why Microsoft bought Nokia – Alok’s post in jest!

Rodinhooder Rahul Dev has an infographic with patent comparisons – Nokia-Microsoft Deal vs Google – Motorola Deal

Alok has been updating his Reading & Meeting notes…


Startups/ideas need guidance/feedback

SmartGard Tab – security & automation solutions for homes & offices. Rodinhooder Bijumon is keen on sharing the technology with Indian entrepreneurs to manufacture it and market it as well…!

Gyrix TechnoLabs – a web services company based in Indore

GreynGreen – a platform to plan, organise and execute your finances

Farm to Fork – not a new idea but this rodinhooder sure sounds passionate!

rentnread – book lovers pls help this young rodinhooder


This week’s comic on Hasty Exits & U turns!

Go light your bulb… urges rodinhooder Sony Joseph!

Rodinhooder Nistha wrote a novel!

Are you persistent or stubborn? #RunningMusings

The two reasons for starting up…

Lots of opportunities in Jobs

And loads of intriguing Asks

And numerous startup events in various cities…


Talking about events, tomorrow is the last day to submit your ppt for an opportunity to present at our Sept 14th Open House in Mumbai. If you can’t make it, you can still ask Sumant Mandal a question via email – – if selected it will be asked for you at the Open House! 

Am signing out on a very interesting note (pun intended) – honoured to let you know, that we now have our first music composer rodinhooder in the house – Michael Makhal!! Some interesting music in the making on trhs. Stay tuned 🙂

Adios till next Friday



asha chaudhry


