
Why isn’t there a Nobel Prize for Customer Delight?

Yesterday, I called the Apple Store in Austin to solve a problem.


As soon the phone was answered, the recorded voice said ‘Thank you for calling Apple. You are caller No 6 and will be attended to shortly’.


Immediately thereafter came some nice piano music, interjected by the regular update of ‘you are number 6 or 5 or 4’ on the call. Note that even if my position was status quo, the voice regularly told me which position I was, in the queue.


I didn’t enjoy waiting for 12 minutes, but let me tell you, it was one the most ‘tolerable’ waits I’ve had. Every time the voice came back on, I hoped to have progressed one step ahead. It was like a mini ‘waiting’ game. Once the person spoke to me, the matter was resolved and I felt very happy. Almost short of Delighted. And that’s after I HAD A PROBLEM!


Now – and without thinking – do this:  Call Vodafone India Helpline on 98200 98200. Just type in in any mobile number (start with 98200) and pretend to be a Vodafone customer. Just EXPERIENCE the TRAUMA of holding on to their call. (I would suggest having a family member stand near by in the event that you suffer from a brain hemorrhage) .


I promise you that even if Vodafone gave you a free sim and free talk time for LIFE, you would have a nervous breakdown listening to their call waiting messaging.  


Instead, Vodafone can bark ‘Press 100 to pay Rs 100 and speak directly to the operator’ – and I promise you lots of people will. In fact I think it will nicely increase the ARPU of Vodafone.


Ok, moving on….


Last morning, I had breakfast at TGIF.


Yeah – I know your thinking ‘WTF’? and probably assuming that I was trying to knock down a few beers at 8 am. But that wasn’t the case. TGIF IS the ‘default’ restaurant in the hotel I’m staying in Austin – so there was no other choice of restaurant to go to.


In my typical ‘Indian’ mentality (to save money) I didn’t go for the buffet and instead ordered A La Carte. I mean a vegetarian doesn’t eat so much… so why pay for all that meat and sausage?


I asked for a juice, a scrambled eggs with whole wheat toast and coffee. While I was waiting, I happened to see the ‘breakfast buffet’ price and I gulped; it was FAR CHEAPER than the sum of the food I had ordered. I felt bad and made a mental note to be even more marwari and do a ‘diligence’ before eating or ordering randomly next time.


Post my meal, I asked for the cheque, and the pretty waitress handed it to me, saying ‘ Sir, I just calculated that you ate more than the price of the buffet and yet consumed lesser food – so I just thought of charging you the Buffet price’.




How DELIGHTFUL is that?


Try doing this at the Oberoi or the Taj.


My point is – why don’t Consumer facing brands understand that their BEST MARKETING is Consumer DELIGHT?


I know the Nobel Institute will NOT give away a prize for Consumer Delight, but why can’t we the stuffy Corporates award it to ourselves?




So why there DELIGHT happening?




– We think of business as ‘pre-transaction’ not ‘post transaction’?


Be nice BEFORE the cheque is paid; the order is signed ; the food is ordered ; the deed is done.


Afterwards, ‘who cares’…?


– Our attention is on MORE customers – not DELIGHTED customers.


So what if Alok is overcharged for his breakfast – there are 100 other Alok’s who will take his place.


– The customer is a PRIZE before a purchase and a LIABILITY after the sale. Errr… where did DELIGHT creep in??


Shakespeare said ‘Maids are May when they are Maids, and December when they Wed’.


How true.


– The CFO can measure Sales and Costs to the last paise…. BUT DELIGHT??? Now what the hell is that? They never taught him this in the CA exam…


This blog can go on and on.


The point I am making is that the INVESTMENT in Customer DELIGHT is so badly forgotten by most Companies (and especially the Indian ones).


I say – like all long term investments, DELIGHT will REWARD you handsomely, you will never need work again.


And to think of it, we will trudge to work every day of our waking lives….


So, please DELIGHT your Customers!



Related articles by me on this subject:

Why my Paanwala is better that the Honda car salesman

Why service at Indian Retail is so bad
