
With Love from Tim Draper!

Hello Rodinhooders,

I said a couple of days back that I am interviewing the Founder of “Draper Fisher Juvertson”, the person behind Skype,hotmail,aidu,Overture and a host of other big successes and here it is.

It is said that when you are doing a thing for the first time, somethings are bound to go wrong. And,  the thing for me was I broke my specs and had to see through the eyes of Draper without really being confident whether I am seeing!

I have tried to put in all the questions from you as I wanted this not to be me-me affair but an us affair!


A few highlights from the interview:

A great governance at California when Silicon Valley started growing

A solid culture of Educational institutions

A culture where Start-ups and Entrepreneurship have become a way of existence owing to people embracing failure

Sabeer is an extraordinary individual. He said Free web based email and I said Viral marketing, that is how it happened. One email from Sabeer to India and within 3 weeks we had 100,000 registered users from India!

Want to get money just to get money, or money to drive a business

Business has to be passion and not money!

Trust among the team!

Run out of Money!

Don’t do it!

It should be something that has high chances of failing, but if it succeeds it will be big!

Wearables for everything

Flying Drones!


I would love to put down everything in word for you to run through the interview, but I did this for a reason to bring a smile across your face while being at the valley from a person who is one of the most well known here. There’s a wish for you at the end, go go go watch it 🙂

Thank you to all who sent their questions.

If you found the interview to be useful and insightful in anyway, leave your love by sharing it with people in your social circle.


UPDATE: FEB 22, 2014: And here it is – the much awaited photo of Tim Draper sporting his rodinhood tee!
