
Word Games, Tools, Ops, SEO, Hot Jobs, Coffee and Startup Goofs! [March 12-18, 2016]

Heylo there!

Another Friday, another love letter from me :). How did the week treat you? We’ve got some fun content to share with you, so grab some coffee and go for it!!

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And if you like something, click the FB LIKE at the bottom of the post. And if you really like something, don’t forget to comment as well (hey, don’t be kanjoos!!!)



7 effective and free productivity tools for entrepreneurs – this is SUPER useful. It would be awesome if you shared what works for you as well…

On Page SEO tips! This is another blockbuster for every ecom player!

Content Marketing in 5 mins!! Aashish shares a 5 min vid where he shares loads of insights!! You gotta watch this and comment! Btw, he has an ASK AASHISH PAGE (and if you don’t know what that is, duh… look up ASK RODINHOODERS!)

5 reasons why startups should not ignore an Ops Specialist in their board!

Introducing #StartupGoofs!!! Read some funny goof-ups Rodinhooders made early on while starting up and share your own too!!

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Balancing the possible and impossible! Kriti’s new #comic

Scholfin’s journey– read how studentpreneurs have taken a great idea ahead!

Foodies – here’s an idea that needs validation – a platform where you can bid for your meal and more!


The tale of bringing detail in retail – awesome pausome learnings captured by Puneet that picked up from B S Nagesh at an event. He gets a #RodinStar  🙂

We have some very hot JOBS on trh. 555 to be precise! The one that is grabbing a lot of attention is Business Development Manager: Venture Capital & Startup Ecosystem for Amazon Web Services!

Hey B’lore… Don’t miss Headstart Higher on April 2nd!


How many times a day do you find yourself NEGOTIATING? Well, read Alok’s 10 Negotiation Tips and tell us whether they worked or not?!

Game of Words – what an interesting word-card game rodinhooder Yogiraj has created – he has a crowdfunding campaign on as well!

Talking about crowdfunding… y’day a non-startup friend of mine whatsapped me an amazing vid. It was part of the ‘Eat your Spoon’ crowdfunding campaign that was trending y’day on Ketto. I contributed to it and shared it on my fb. Lots of other Rodinhooders did so as well. At that time Narayana had raised about 51k. In less than a couple of hours, he raised 1 Lakh+ and crossed his goal! Right now he’s raised over 3 Lakhs. My friend asked me, “How did TRH benefit from this?” I said, “It didn’t! The campaign isn’t even posted on our site!!” “Then why would you share it?”, he asked. “Because that’s what startup folks do – we support each other unconditionally.”

To me, every entrepreneur is a Rodinhooder. So I will share and do my small bit whenever my heart tells me to… 

Congrats to our Papersmith Atamjeet and his wife Neha – they’ve been blessed with a baby girl today!!


We had an interesting newsletter last week – served with love once again, in case you missed it!

We’ve saved all of the newsletters for you RIGHT HERE!

Reminder do follow our linkedin page to get your daily dose of rodinhooding – just ONE awesome post a day. Yeah!!

and unconditional.

achha lagta hai.


do send me spoons, coffee beans, goofs, startup jokes, baby news, trending stuff or absolutely anything you want to share with me!! i’m just an email away, always.



asha chaudhry

co-founder & editor 

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